Single Offer
Returns a list of resources identified by the following URL. The GET method of the single-offer resource is used to retrieve a construction financing offer for a certain mortgage provider according to the given financing terms query parameters.
GET /financing/construction/v3/offer/single
Note The PAngBV (Preisangabenverordnung) requires that you need to provide the following data when displaying an offer: effective and nominal interest rates, monthly rate, remaining debt after fixed interest termination (Ablauf der Sollzinsbindung), number of repayment rates, duration until repayment is complete and the total amount paid. You may only use this API if you display all this data.
Query Parameters
you have to provide either a geocode or postalcode:
- geocode - GeoCode of the search region
- postalcode - the usage of geocode is preferred, usage of postalcode leadsto bad quality of the search results
additional filter criteria:
financingtype | financing type; default: "PROPERTY_PURCHASE" |
dditionalCosts | additional costs; default: 0 |
ownfunds | own funds of the buyer; default: 50000 |
purchaseprice | purchase price of the project; default: 200000 |
remainingDebt | the remaining debt (followup financing); default:100000 |
propertyValue | the value of the property (followup financing) default:200000 |
amortizationrate | amortization rate; default: 2 |
employment | employment of the buyer; default: "EMPLOYED" |
fixednominalinterestrate | fixed nominal interest rate; default: "TEN_YEARS" |
There are three possible financingTypes:
- FOLLOWUP_FINANCING (Anschlussfinanzierung)
If you search for followup financings, you need to provide remainingDebt and propertyValue instead of purchasePrice, additionalCosts and ownFunds.
Possible employments:
- EMPLOYED=Angestellt
- FREELANCER=Freiberufler
- SELFEMPLOYED=Selbstständig
- UNEMPLOYED=Arbeitssuchend
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Possible Errors: Status 412 - if providing wrong parameters.
An offer allways contains a provider. The field distanceToSearchLocation contains the distance of the provider to the search location defined by the geoCode or the postalCode. This field might not always be present.
If interest rates are found then the offer has an amortizationData object. This includes information like the remaining debt after the fixed interest rates termination, the number of monthly rates until the loan is repayed as well as the total repayment. The lastModified field contains the timestamp when the interest rates of the given provider were updated.
The minimum response consists of the fields offersFound and offer, where offer is an empty Array. This happens, if neither a concrete offer nor the average marketdata was found.
- offer.amortizationData: if this object exists, all its attributes will be set
- distanceToSearchLocation: optional
- mortgageProvider: these fields will alway be set: id, name, logo, profileImage, numberOfRatings, averageRating
- marketData: if present, all fields should be given as well
- mortgageProvider.logo: comes in two different sizes: url and url120x90
- mortgageProvider.profileImage: access via url