Real Estate Listings APIs
The Import/Export API is the most used and most powerful API in our assortment. You can create, change, delete, and publish real estate objects. Furthermore, you can view analytics around your published real estate and attach an on top placement to the real estate.
In order to increase the visibility of your listings within our search results on and increase the number of seeker leads, we ask you to make sure that you provide us with the correct geocodes. See our Geo Services APIs.
We've created a few exemplary real estate types to help you quickly try out some requests, xml files or json files
For more detailed information on the data types, please view our XSD files.
contact person, multimedia attachments and publishing an object are not part of the real estate data, these are separate endpoints:
- CONTACT ADDRESS: create/change/call/delete contact data
- ATTACHMENT: create/change/call/delete multimedia attachments (pictures, videos, PDFs, URLs)
- PUBLISHCHANNEL: List of the publish channels, the realtor is entitled to publish in.
- The element "assistedLiving" will be ignored. This concerns appartmentRent, appartmentBuy, houseRent. There is an extra estate type "AssistedLiving".
- Please Note: We don't support GMT params in date fields! If you send us such a date field we ignore the whole field completely!
Real Estate Types
Please find here a list of all our supported real estate types and their attributes for the resource realestate
Wohnung (apartment)
Wohnung Miete (apartmentRent)
Description | Field Name | Field Type | Allowed Values |
Anbieterobjektnummer | externalId | String | 50 characters. "/" and "\" are allowed |
Exposeüberschrift* | title | String | Max. 100 characters |
Straße* | street | String | Max. 100 characters |
Hausnummer* | houseNumber | String | Max. 10 characters |
PLZ* | postcode | String | Max. 5 characters |
Ort* | city | String | Max. 50 characters |
API-Suche-Felder | searchField1, 2, 3 | String | These fields can be used as search filters in the search REST API. Thus, you can define values yourself that are not available as a field in the object entry. Allowed values: 1-16 characters. Allowed values: [0-9 a-z A-Z]*. |
Objektgruppierung | groupNumber | int | Max. 10 digits, 0 - 2147483647 |
Objektbeschreibung | descriptionNote | String | Max. 3999 bytes |
Ausstattung | furnishingNote | String | Max. 3999 bytes |
Lage | locationNote | String | Max. 3999 bytes |
Sonstige Angaben | otherNote | String | Max. 3999 bytes |
Objektadresse veröffentlichen?* | showAddress | boolean | true,false |
Kontaktperson | contact id | String | Please add a reference to a contact person (contactID). Use the contact endpoint to create, read, update, or delete a contact resource. If this field is left empty, then we will use the default contact address. |
Wohnungskategorie | apartmentType | enum | ROOF_STOREY (Dachgeschoss), LOFT (Loft), MAISONETTE (Maisonette), PENTHOUSE (Penthouse), TERRACED_FLAT (Terrassenwohnung), GROUND_FLOOR (Erdgeschosswohnung), APARTMENT (Etagenwohnung), RAISED_GROUND_FLOOR (Hochparterre), HALF_BASEMENT (Souterrain), OTHER (Sonstige), NO_INFORMATION (Keine Angabe) |
Etage | floor | int | 0 - 999 |
Aufzug | lift | boolean | true, false |
Keller | cellar | enum | YES, NOT_APPLICABLE (keine Angabe) |
Stufenlose Zugang | handicappedAccessible | enum | YES, NOT_APPLICABLE (keine Angabe) |
Parkflächenanzahl | numberOfParkingSpaces | String | 0 - 99999 |
Objektzustand | condition | enum | NO_INFORMATION (keine Angabe), FIRST_TIME_USE (Erstbezug), FIRST_TIME_USE_AFTER_REFURBISHMENT (Erstbezug nach Sanierung), MINT_CONDITION (Neuwertig), REFURBISHED (Saniert), MODERNIZED (Modernisiert), FULLY_RENOVATED (VollstaendigReonviert), WELL_KEPT (Gepflegt), NEED_OF_RENOVATION (Renovierungsbedürftig), NEGOTIABLE (NachVereinbarung), RIPE_FOR_DEMOLITION (Abbruchreif) |
Baujahr | constructionYear | int | 0 - 9999 (4 digits) Year of the building construction (year of readiness for occupancy; de: "bezugsfertig"). |
Baujahr unbekannt | constructionYearUnknown | boolean | If a constructionYear is provided, constructionYearUnknown=false will be assumed (regardless of the value given for constructionYearUnknown). |
Letzte Modernisierung | lastRefurbishment | String | 1000 - 9999 |
Qualität der Ausstattung | interiorQuality | enum | NO_INFORMANTION (keine Angabe), LUXURY (luxus), SOPHISTICATED (gehoben), NORMAL, SIMPLE (einfach) |
Frei ab | freeFrom | String | Max. 50 characters |
Heizungsart | heatingType | enum | NO_INFORMATION (keine Angabe), SELF_CONTAINED_CENTRAL_HEATING (Etagenheizung), STOVE_HEATING (Ofenheizung), CENTRAL_HEATING (Zentralheizung)
For using the new enum fields: |
Energieverbrauchskennwert | thermalCharacteristic | double | 0 - 9999.99.
Please enter the "characteristic value" (numbers) of the property |
Befeuerungsarten | firingType | enum | NO_INFORMANTION (keine Angabe), GEOTHERMAL (Erdwärme), SOLAR_HEATING (Solarheizung), PELLET_HEATING (Pelletheizung), GAS, OIL (Öl), DISTRICT_HEATING (Fernwärme), ELECTRICITY (Strom), COAL (Kohle) |
Energieausweistyp | BuildingEnergyRatingType | enum | NO_INFORMATION (Keine Angabe), ENERGY_REQUIRED (Endenergiebedarf), ENERGY_CONSUMPTION (Energieverbrauchskennwert). Select the type of certificate for which you want to specify a characteristic value. An energy certificate is divided into final energy demand (demand-oriented certificate) and energy consumption characteristic value (consumption-oriented certificate). The demand-oriented energy certificate is based on the calculated demand of the building. The consumption-oriented certificate is based on the actual consumption of the users. When specifying the energy consumption characteristic value, please note whether the hot water consumption is included. |
Etagenzahl | numberOfFloors | int | 0 - 999 |
Nutzfläche | usableFloorSpace | double | 0 - 99999999.99 |
Anzahl Schlafzimmer | numberOfBedRooms | double | 0 - 99 |
Anzahl Badezimmer | numberOfBathRooms | double | 0 - 99 |
Gäste-WC | guestToilet | enum | YES, NO, NOT_APPLICABLE (keine Angabe) |
WG-geeignet | useAsFlatshareRoom | enum | YES, NO, NOT_APPLICABLE (keine Angabe) |
Parkplatz | parkingSpaceType | enum | NO_INFORMATION (keine Angabe), GARAGE (Garage), OUTSIDE (Außenstellplatz), CARPORT (Carport), DUPLEX (Duplex), CAR_PARK (Parkhaus), UNDERGROUND_GARAGE (Tiefgarage) |
Kaltmiete* | baseRent | double | 0 - 9999999999999.99, If "0" is entered, the object will be shown with "Preis auf Anfrage" (price on application) in the result list and expose |
Warmmiete | totalRent | double | 0 - 9999999999999.99 |
Nebenkosten | serviceCharge | double | 0 - 9999999999999.99 |
Kaution o. Genossenschaftsanteile | deposit | String | max. 50 characters |
Heizkosten | heatingCosts | double | 0 - 9999999999999.99 |
Heizkosten sind in Nebenkosten enthalten. | heatingCostsInServiceCharge | enum | NOT_APPLICABLE, YES, NO ("NO" is available from 29.1.2014).
If you've entered a value for "heating costs", |
Haustiere | petsAllowed | enum | NO_INFORMATION, YES, NO, NEGOTIABLE |
Stellplatzmiete | parkingSpacePrice | double | 0 - 9999999999999.99 |
Wohnfläche* | livingSpace | double | 0 - 99999999.99 |
Zimmerzahl* | numberOfRooms | double | 1 - 999.99 |
Einbauküche | builtInKitchen | boolean | true, false |
Balkon/Terrasse | balcony | boolean | true, false |
WBS-Schein erforderlich | certificateOfEligibilityNeeded | boolean | true, false |
Gartenbenutzung | garden | boolean | true, false |
Provisionspflichtig* | hasCourtage | enum | YES, NO, NOT_APPLICABLE |
Provisionsbetrag* | courtage | String | max. 100 characters. Only mandatory, if hasCourtage=true |
Provisionshinweis | courtageNote | String | Max. 500 characters (will be enhanced on 1800 characters) |
Multimedia Anhang "video" | - | In the REST API, the multimedia files are detached from the property. The property only contains a reference (ID) to the multimedia attachments. Use the Attachments web service for creating/modifying/calling/deleting images, videos, PDF, URLs. |
Multimedia Anhang "bild" | - | same as video | |
Objektveröffentlichung StatusVBM | deprecated | In the REST API there is a separate web service for object publication on the channels IS24, homepage, groups/exchanges. | |
Objektveröffentlichung StatusIS24 | own Webservice | ||
Objektveröffentlichung StatusHP | own Webservice | ||
Expose-Erstellungsdatum | creationDate | date | jjjj-mm-tt:hh:mm:ss is automatically generated |
Expose-Änderungsdatum | LastModificationDate | date | jjjj-mm-tt:hh:mm:ss is automatically generated |
Geokoordinaten (Breitengrad) | latitude | double | min. -90.0, max. 90.0 |
Geokoordinaten (Längengrad) | longitude | double | min. -180.0, max. 180.0 |
Energieausweis | energyPerformanceCertificate | boolean | true, false |
ImmobilienScout24-Objektnummer | id | Remark: optional, because it is assigned automatically. Will be output at GET |
XML schema:
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Wohnung Kauf (apartmentBuy)
Description | Field Name | Field Type | Allowed Values |
Anbieterobjektnummer | externalId | String | 50 characters. "/" and "\" are allowed |
Exposeüberschrift* | title | String | Max. 100 characters |
Straße* | street | String | Max. 100 characters |
Hausnummer* | houseNumber | String | Max. 10 characters |
PLZ* | postcode | String | Max. 5 characters |
Ort* | city | String | Max. 50 characters |
API-Suche-Felder | searchField1, 2, 3 | String | These fields can be used as search filters in the search REST API. Thus, you can define values yourself that are not available as a field in the object entry. Allowed values: 1-16 characters. Allowed values: [0-9 a-z A-Z]*. |
Objektgruppierung | groupNumber | int | Max. 10 digits, 0 - 2147483647 |
Objektbeschreibung | descriptionNote | String | Max. 3999 bytes |
Ausstattung | furnishingNote | String | Max. 3999 bytes |
Lage | locationNote | String | Max. 3999 bytes |
Sonstige Angaben | otherNote | String | Max. 3999 bytes |
Objektadresse veröffentlichen? * | showAddress | boolean | true,false |
Kontaktperson | contact id | String | Please add a reference to a contact person (contactID). Use the contact endpoint to create, read, update, or delete a contact resource. If this field is left empty, then we will use the default contact address. |
Wohnungskategorie | apartmentType | enum | ROOF_STOREY (Dachgeschoss), LOFT (Loft), MAISONETTE (Maisonette), PENTHOUSE (Penthouse), TERRACED_FLAT (Terrassenwohnung), GROUND_FLOOR (Erdgeschosswohnung), APARTMENT (Etagenwohnung), RAISED_GROUND_FLOOR (Hochparterre), HALF_BASEMENT (Souterrain), OTHER (Sonstige), NO_INFORMATION (Keine Angabe) |
Etage | floor | int | 0 - 999 |
Aufzug | lift | boolean | true, false |
Keller | cellar | enum | YES, NOT_APPLICABLE (keine Angabe) |
Stufenlose Zugang | handicappedAccessible | enum | YES, NOT_APPLICABLE (keine Angabe) |
Parkflächenanzahl | numberOfParkingSpaces | String | 0 - 99999 |
Objektzustand | condition | enum | NO_INFORMATION (keine Angabe), FIRST_TIME_USE (Erstbezug), FIRST_TIME_USE_AFTER_REFURBISHMENT (Erstbezug nach Sanierung), MINT_CONDITION (Neuwertig), REFURBISHED (Saniert), MODERNIZED (Modernisiert), FULLY_RENOVATED (VollstaendigReonviert), WELL_KEPT (Gepflegt), NEED_OF_RENOVATION (Renovierungsbedürftig), NEGOTIABLE (NachVereinbarung), RIPE_FOR_DEMOLITION (Abbruchreif) |
Baujahr | constructionYear | int | 0 - 9999 (4 digits) Year of the building construction (year of readiness for occupancy; de: "bezugsfertig"). |
Baujahr unbekannt | constructionYearUnknown | boolean | If a constructionYear is provided, constructionYearUnknown=false will be assumed (regardless of the value given for constructionYearUnknown). |
Letzte Modernisierung | lastRefurbishment | String | 1000 - 9999 |
Qualität der Ausstattung | interiorQuality | enum | NO_INFORMANTION (keine Angabe), LUXURY (luxus), SOPHISTICATED (gehoben), NORMAL, SIMPLE (einfach) |
Frei ab | freeFrom | String | Max. 50 characters |
Heizungsart | heatingType | enum | NO_INFORMATION (keine Angabe), SELF_CONTAINED_CENTRAL_HEATING (Etagenheizung), STOVE_HEATING (Ofenheizung), CENTRAL_HEATING (Zentralheizung)
For using the new enum fields: COMBINED_HEAT_AND_POWER_PLANT (Blockheizkraftwerk), |
Befeuerungsarten | firingType | enum | NO_INFORMANTION (keine Angabe), GEOTHERMAL (Erdwärme), SOLAR_HEATING (Solarheizung), PELLET_HEATING (Pelletheizung), GAS, OIL (Öl), DISTRICT_HEATING (Fernwärme), ELECTRICITY (Strom), COAL (Kohle) |
Energieausweistyp | BuildingEnergyRatingType | enum | NO_INFORMATION (Keine Angabe), ENERGY_REQUIRED (Endenergiebedarf), ENERGY_CONSUMPTION (Energieverbrauchskennwert).
Select the type of certificate for which you want to specify a characteristic value. |
Energieverbrauchskennwert | thermalCharacteristic | double | 0 - 9999.99.
Please enter the "characteristic value" (numbers) of the property |
Energieverbrauch enthält Warmwasser | energyConsumptionContainsWarmWater | enum | YES, NOT_APPLICABLE.
Please set this value only if your specified "characteristic value" is an |
Etagenzahl | numberOfFloors | int | 0 - 999 |
Nutzfläche | usableFloorSpace | double | 0 - 99999999.99 |
Anzahl Schlafzimmer | numberOfBedRooms | double | 0 - 99 |
Anzahl Badezimmer | numberOfBathRooms | double | 0 - 99 |
Gäste-WC | guestToilet | enum | YES, NOT_APPLICABLE (keine Angabe) |
Parkplatz | parkingSpaceType | enum | NO_INFORMATION (keine Angabe), GARAGE (Garage), OUTSIDE (Außenstellplatz), CARPORT (Carport), DUPLEX (Duplex), CAR_PARK (Parkhaus), UNDERGROUND_GARAGE (Tiefgarage) |
Vermietet | rented | enum | YES, NOT_APPLICABLE |
Mieteinnahmen pro Monat | rentalIncome | double | 0 - 9999999999999.99 |
Denkmalschutzobjekt | listed | enum | YES, NOT_APPLICABLE |
Stellplatz Kaufpreis | parkingSpacePrice | double | 0 - 9999999999999.99 |
Als Ferienwohnung geeignet | summerResidencePractical | enum | YES, NOT_APPLICABLE |
Heimfall nach ... Jahren (Pachtdauer) | tenancy | int |
0 - 999 Required when "leaseholdInterest" is specified, otherwise optional. |
Erbbauzins | leaseholdInterest | double |
0 - 9999999999999.99 Required when "tenancy" is specified, otherwise optional. |
Kaufpreis* | value | double | 0 - 9999999999999.99, If "0" is entered, the object will be shown with "Preis auf Anfrage" (price on application) in the result list and expose |
Währung* | currency | enum | EUR |
Wohnfläche* | livingSpace | double | 0 - 99999999.99 |
Zimmerzahl* | numberOfRooms | double | 1 - 999.99 |
Einbauküche | builtInKitchen | boolean | true, false |
Balkon | balcony | boolean | true, false |
Garten | garden | boolean | true, false |
Provisionspflichtig* | hasCourtage | enum | YES, NO, NOT_APPLICABLE |
Provisionsbetrag* | courtage | String | max. 100 characters. Only mandatory, if hasCourtage=true |
Provisionshinweis | courtageNote | String | Max. 500 characters (will be enhanced on 1.800 characters |
Multimedia Anhang "video" | - | In the REST API, the multimedia files are detached from the property. The property only contains a reference (ID) to the multimedia attachments. Use the Attachments web service for creating/modifying/calling/deleting images, videos, PDF, URLs. |
Multimedia Anhang "bild" | - | same as video | |
Objektveröffentlichung VBM | deprecated | In the REST API there is a separate web service for object publication on the channels IS24, homepage, groups/exchanges. | |
Objektveröffentlichung IS24 | own Webservice | ||
Objektveröffentlichung HP | own Webservice | ||
Expose-Erstellungsdatum | creationDate | date | jjjj-mm-tt:hh:mm:ss is automatically generated |
Expose-Änderungsdatum | LastModificationDate | date | jjjj-mm-tt:hh:mm:ss is automatically generated |
Geokoordinaten (Breitengrad) | latitude | double | min. -90.0, max. 90.0 |
Geokoordinaten (Längengrad) | longitude | double | min. -180.0, max. 180.0 |
Vermarktungsart | marketingType | enum | PURCHASE |
Zahlungsintervall | priceIntervalType | enum | ONE_TIME_CHARGE |
Energieausweis | energyPerformanceCertificate | boolean | true, false |
Wohngeld | serviceCharge | double | 0 - 9999999999999.99 |
XML schema:
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Haus (House)
Haus Miete (houseRent)
Description | Field Name | Field Type | Allowed Values |
Anbieterobjektnummer | externalId | String | 50 characters. "/" and "\" are allowed |
Exposeüberschrift* | title | String | Max. 100 characters |
Straße* | street | String | Max. 100 characters |
Hausnummer* | houseNumber | String | Max. 10 characters |
PLZ* | postcode | String | Max. 5 characters |
Ort* | city | String | Max. 50 characters |
API-Suche-Felder | searchField1, 2, 3 | String | These fields can be used as search filters in the search REST API. Thus, you can define values yourself that are not available as a field in the object entry. Allowed values: 1-16 characters. Allowed values: [0-9 a-z A-Z]*. |
Objektgruppierung | groupNumber | int | Max. 10 digits, 0 - 2147483647 |
Objektbeschreibung | descriptionNote | String | Max. 3999 bytes |
Ausstattung | furnishingNote | String | Max. 3999 bytes |
Lage | locationNote | String | Max. 3999 bytes |
Sonstige Angaben | otherNote | String | Max. 3999 bytes |
Objektadresse veröffentlichen? * | showAddress | boolean | true,false |
Kontaktperson | contact id | String | Please add a reference to a contact person (contactID). Use the contact endpoint to create, read, update, or delete a contact resource. If this field is left empty, then we will use the default contact address. |
Wohnfläche* | livingSpace | double | 0 - 99999999.99 |
Grundstücksfläche* | plotArea | double | 0 - 99999999.99 |
Zimmerzahl* | numberOfRooms | double | 1 - 999.99 |
Provisionspflichtig* | hasCourtage | enum | YES, NO, NOT_APPLICABLE (keine Angabe) |
Provisionsbetrag* | courtage | String | max. 100 characters. Only mandatory, if hasCourtage=true |
Provisionshinweis | courtageNote | String | Max. 500 characters (will be enhanced on 1.800 characters |
Haustyp* | buildingType | enum | NO_INFORMATION (keineAngabe), SINGLE_FAMILY_HOUSE (Einfamilienhaus), MID_TERRACE_HOUSE (Reihenmittelhaus), END_TERRACE_HOUSE (Reiheneckhaus), MULTI_FAMILY_HOUSE (Mehrfamilienhaus), BUNGALOW (Bungalow), FARMHOUSE (Bauernhaus), SEMIDETACHED_HOUSE (Doppelhaushaelfte), VILLA (Villa), CASTLE_MANOR_HOUSE (BurgSchloss), SPECIAL_REAL_ESTATE (BesondereImmobilie), OTHER (Sonstiges) |
Keller | cellar | enum | YES, NOT_APPLICABLE (keine Angabe) |
Stufenlose Zugang | handicappedAccessible | enum | YES, NOT_APPLICABLE (keine Angabe) |
Anzahl Stellplätze | numberOfParkingSpaces | String | 0 - 99999 |
Objektzustand | condition | enum | NO_INFORMATION (keine Angabe), FIRST_TIME_USE (Erstbezug), FIRST_TIME_USE_AFTER_REFURBISHMENT (Erstbezug nach Sanierung), MINT_CONDITION (Neuwertig), REFURBISHED (Saniert), MODERNIZED (Modernisiert), FULLY_RENOVATED (VollstaendigReonviert), WELL_KEPT (Gepflegt), NEED_OF_RENOVATION (Renovierungsbedürftig), NEGOTIABLE (NachVereinbarung), RIPE_FOR_DEMOLITION (Abbruchreif) |
Baujahr | constructionYear | int | 0 - 9999 (4 digits) Year of the building construction (year of readiness for occupancy; de: "bezugsfertig"). |
Baujahr unbekannt | constructionYearUnknown | boolean | If a constructionYear is provided, constructionYearUnknown=false will be assumed (regardless of the value given for constructionYearUnknown). |
Letzte Modernisierung | lastRefurbishment | String | 1000 - 9999 |
Qualität der Ausstattung | interiorQuality | enum | NO_INFORMANTION (keine Angabe), LUXURY (luxus), SOPHISTICATED (gehoben), NORMAL, SIMPLE (einfach) |
Frei ab | freeFrom | String | Max. 50 characters |
Heizungsart | heatingType | enum | NO_INFORMATION (keine Angabe), SELF_CONTAINED_CENTRAL_HEATING (Etagenheizung), STOVE_HEATING (Ofenheizung), CENTRAL_HEATING (Zentralheizung)
For using the new enum fields: |
Befeuerungsarten | firingType | enum | NO_INFORMANTION (keine Angabe), GEOTHERMAL (Erdwärme), SOLAR_HEATING (Solarheizung), PELLET_HEATING (Pelletheizung), GAS, OIL (Öl), DISTRICT_HEATING (Fernwärme), ELECTRICITY (Strom), COAL (Kohle) |
Energieausweistyp | BuildingEnergyRatingType | enum | NO_INFORMATION (Keine Angabe), ENERGY_REQUIRED (Endenergiebedarf), ENERGY_CONSUMPTION (Energieverbrauchskennwert).
Select the type of certificate for which you want to specify a characteristic value. |
Energieverbrauchskennwert | thermalCharacteristic | double | 0 - 9999.99. Please enter the "characteristic value" (numbers) of the property according to the selected "energy certificate type" in kWh/(m²*a). |
Energieverbrauch enthält Warmwasser | energyConsumptionContainsWarmWater | enum | YES, NOT_APPLICABLE. Please set this value only if your specified "characteristic value" is an "energy consumption characteristic value" and this contains the "energy consumption for hot water". |
Etagenzahl | numberOfFloors | int | 0 - 999 |
Nutzfläche | usableFloorSpace | double | 0 - 99999999.99 |
Anzahl Schlafzimmer | numberOfBedRooms | double | 0 - 99 |
Anzahl Badezimmer | numberOfBathRooms | double | 0 - 99 |
Gäste-WC | guestToilet | enum | YES, NOT_APPLICABLE (keine Angabe) |
WG-geeignet | useAsFlatshareRoom | enum | YES, NOT_APPLICABLE (keine Angabe) |
Parkplatz | parkingSpaceType | enum | NO_INFORMATION (keine Angabe), GARAGE (Garage), OUTSIDE (Außenstellplatz), CARPORT (Carport), DUPLEX (Duplex), CAR_PARK (Parkhaus), UNDERGROUND_GARAGE (Tiefgarage) |
Kaltmiete* | baseRent | double | 0 - 9999999999999.99 If "0" is entered, the object will be shown with "Preis auf Anfrage" (price on application) in the result list and expose |
Warmmiete | totalRent | double | 0 - 9999999999999.99 |
Nebenkosten | serviceCharge | double | 0 - 9999999999999.99 |
Kaution o. Genossenschaftsanteile | deposit | String | max. 50 characters |
Heizkosten | heatingCosts | double | 0 - 9999999999999.99 |
Heizkosten sind in Nebenkosten enthalten. | heatingCostsInServiceCharge | enum | NOT_APPLICABLE, YES, NO ("NO" is available from 29.1.2014). If you've entered a value for "heating costs", than NOT_APPLICABLE is not allowed for this attribute. |
Haustiere | petsAllowed | enum | NO_INFORMATION, YES, NO, NEGOTIABLE |
StellplatzMiete | parkingSpacePrice | double | 0 - 9999999999999.99 |
Einbauküche | builtInKitchen | boolean | true, false |
Multimedia Anhang "video" | - | In the REST API, the multimedia files are detached from the property. The property only contains a reference (ID) to the multimedia attachments. Use the Attachments web service for creating/modifying/calling/deleting images, videos, PDF, URLs. |
Multimedia Anhang "bild" | - | same as video | |
Objektveröffentlichung VBM | deprecated | In the REST API there is a separate web service for object publication on the channels IS24, homepage, groups/exchanges. | |
Objektveröffentlichung IS24 | own Webservice | ||
Objektveröffentlichung HP | own Webservice | ||
Expose-Erstellungsdatum | creationDate | date | jjjj-mm-tt:hh:mm:ss is automatically generated |
Expose-Änderungsdatum | LastModificationDate | date | jjjj-mm-tt:hh:mm:ss is automatically generated |
Geokoordinaten (Breitengrad) | latitude | double | min. -90.0, max. 90.0 |
Geokoordinaten (Längengrad) | longitude | double | min. -180.0, max. 180.0 |
Energieausweis | energyPerformanceCertificate | boolean | true, false |
XML schema:
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Haus Kauf (houseBuy)
Description | Field Name | Field Type | Allowed Values |
Anbieterobjektnummer | externalId | String | 50 characters. "/" and "\" are allowed |
Exposeüberschrift* | title | String | Max. 100 characters |
Straße* | street | String | Max. 100 characters |
Hausnummer* | houseNumber | String | Max. 10 digits |
PLZ* | postcode | String | Max. 5 digits |
Ort* | city | String | Max. 50 characters |
API-Suche-Felder | searchField1, 2, 3 | String | These fields can be used as search filters in the search REST API. Thus, you can define values yourself that are not available as a field in the object entry. Allowed values: 1-16 characters. Allowed values: [0-9 a-z A-Z]*. |
Objektgruppierung | groupNumber | int | Max. 10 digits, 0 - 2147483647 |
Objektbeschreibung | descriptionNote | String | Max. 3999 bytes |
Ausstattung | furnishingNote | String | Max. 3999 bytes |
Lage | locationNote | String | Max. 3999 bytes |
Sonstige Angaben | otherNote | String | Max. 3999 bytes |
Objektadresse veröffentlichen? * | showAddress | boolean | true,false |
Kontaktperson | contact id | String | Please add a reference to a contact person (contactID). Use the contact endpoint to create, read, update, or delete a contact resource. If this field is left empty, then we will use the default contact address. |
Mit Einliegerwohnung | lodgerFlat | enum | YES, NOT_APPLICABLE |
Bauphase | constructionPhase | enum | PROJECTED (HausInPlanung), UNDER_CONSTRUCTION (HausImBau), COMPLETED (HausFertigGestellt), NO_INFORMATION (keineAngabe) |
Haustyp* | buildingType | enum | NO_INFORMATION (keineAngabe), SINGLE_FAMILY_HOUSE (Einfamilienhaus), MID_TERRACE_HOUSE (Reihenmittelhaus), END_TERRACE_HOUSE (Reiheneckhaus), MULTI_FAMILY_HOUSE (Mehrfamilienhaus), BUNGALOW (Bungalow), FARMHOUSE (Bauernhaus), SEMIDETACHED_HOUSE (Doppelhaushaelfte), VILLA (Villa), CASTLE_MANOR_HOUSE (BurgSchloss), SPECIAL_REAL_ESTATE (BesondereImmobilie), OTHER (Sonstiges) |
Keller | cellar | enum | YES, NOT_APPLICABLE (keine Angabe) |
Stufenlose Zugang | handicappedAccessible | enum | YES, NOT_APPLICABLE (keine Angabe) |
Anzahl Stellplätze | numberOfParkingSpaces | String | 0 - 99999 |
Objektzustand | condition | enum | NO_INFORMATION (keine Angabe), FIRST_TIME_USE (Erstbezug), FIRST_TIME_USE_AFTER_REFURBISHMENT (Erstbezug nach Sanierung), MINT_CONDITION (Neuwertig), REFURBISHED (Saniert), MODERNIZED (Modernisiert), FULLY_RENOVATED (VollstaendigReonviert), WELL_KEPT (Gepflegt), NEED_OF_RENOVATION (Renovierungsbedürftig), NEGOTIABLE (NachVereinbarung), RIPE_FOR_DEMOLITION (Abbruchreif) |
Baujahr | constructionYear | int | 0 - 9999 (4 digits) Year of the building construction (year of readiness for occupancy; de: "bezugsfertig"). |
Baujahr unbekannt | constructionYearUnknown | boolean | If a constructionYear is provided, constructionYearUnknown=false will be assumed (regardless of the value given for constructionYearUnknown). |
Letzte Modernisierung | lastRefurbishment | String | 1000 - 9999 |
Qualität der Ausstattung | interiorQuality | enum | NO_INFORMANTION (keine Angabe), LUXURY (luxus), SOPHISTICATED (gehoben), NORMAL, SIMPLE (einfach) |
Frei ab | freeFrom | String | Max. 50 characters |
Heizungsart | heatingType | enum | NO_INFORMATION (keine Angabe), SELF_CONTAINED_CENTRAL_HEATING (Etagenheizung), STOVE_HEATING (Ofenheizung), CENTRAL_HEATING (Zentralheizung)
For using the new enum fields: |
Befeuerungsarten | firingType | enum | NO_INFORMANTION (keine Angabe), GEOTHERMAL (Erdwärme), SOLAR_HEATING (Solarheizung), PELLET_HEATING (Pelletheizung), GAS, OIL (Öl), DISTRICT_HEATING (Fernwärme), ELECTRICITY (Strom), COAL (Kohle) |
Energieausweistyp | BuildingEnergyRatingType | enum | NO_INFORMATION (Keine Angabe), ENERGY_REQUIRED (Endenergiebedarf), ENERGY_CONSUMPTION (Energieverbrauchskennwert).
Select the type of certificate for which you want to specify a |
Energieverbrauchskennwert | thermalCharacteristic | double | 0 - 9999.99. Please enter the "characteristic value" (numbers) of the property according to the selected "energy certificate type" in kWh/(m²*a). |
Energieverbrauch enthält Warmwasser | energyConsumptionContainsWarmWater | enum | YES, NOT_APPLICABLE.
Please set this value only if your specified "characteristic value" |
Etagenzahl | numberOfFloors | int | 0 - 999 |
Nutzfläche | usableFloorSpace | double | 0 - 99999999.99 |
Anzahl Schlafzimmer | numberOfBedRooms | double | 0 - 99 |
Anzahl Badezimmer | numberOfBathRooms | double | 0 - 99 |
Gäste-WC | guestToilet | enum | YES, NOT_APPLICABLE (keine Angabe) |
Parkplatz | parkingSpaceType | enum | NO_INFORMATION (keine Angabe), GARAGE (Garage), OUTSIDE (Außenstellplatz), CARPORT (Carport), DUPLEX (Duplex), CAR_PARK (Parkhaus), UNDERGROUND_GARAGE (Tiefgarage) |
Vermietet | rented | enum | YES, NOT_APPLICABLE |
Mieteinnahmen pro Monat | rentalIncome | double | 0 - 9999999999999.99 |
Denkmalschutzobjekt | listed | enum | YES, NOT_APPLICABLE |
Stellplatz Kaufpreis | parkingSpacePrice | double | 0 - 9999999999999.99 |
Als Ferienwohnung geeignet | summerResidencePractical | enum | YES, NOT_APPLICABLE |
Heimfall nach ... Jahren (Pachtdauer) | tenancy | int |
0 - 999 Required when "leaseholdInterest" is specified, otherwise optional. |
Erbbauzins | leaseholdInterest | double |
0 - 9999999999999.99 Required when "tenancy" is specified, otherwise optional. |
Kaufpreis* | value | double | 0 - 9999999999999.99 If "0" is entered, the object will be shown with "Preis auf Anfrage" (price on application) in the result list and expose |
Währung* | currency | enum | EUR |
Wohnfläche* | livingSpace | double | 0 - 99999999.99 |
Grundstücksfläche* | plotArea | double | 0 - 99999999.99 |
Zimmerzahl* | numberOfRooms | double | 1 - 999.99 |
Provisionspflichtig* | hasCourtage | enum | YES, NO, NOT_APPLICABLE |
Provisionsbetrag* | courtage | String | max. 100 characters. Only mandatory, if hasCourtage=true |
Provisionshinweis | courtageNote | String | Max. 500 characters (will be enhanced on 1.800 characters |
Multimedia Anhang "video" | - | In the REST API, the multimedia files are detached from the property. The property only contains a reference (ID) to the multimedia attachments. Use the Attachments web service for creating/modifying/calling/deleting images, videos, PDF, URLs. |
Multimedia Anhang "bild" | - | same as video | |
Objektveröffentlichung VBM | deprecated | In the REST API there is a separate web service for object publication on the channels IS24, homepage, groups/exchanges. | |
Objektveröffentlichung IS24 | own Webservice | ||
Objektveröffentlichung HP | own Webservice | ||
Geokoordinaten (Breitengrad) | latitude | double | min. -90.0, max. 90.0 |
Geokoordinaten (Längengrad) | longitude | double | min. -180.0, max. 180.0 |
Expose-Erstellungsdatum | creationDate | date | jjjj-mm-tt:hh:mm:ss is generated automatically |
Expose-Änderungsdatum | LastModificationDate | Datum | jjjj-mm-tt:hh:mm:ss is generated automatically |
Vermarktungsart | marketingType | enum | PURCHASE |
Zahlungsintervall | priceIntervalType | enum | ONE_TIME_CHARGE |
Energieausweis | energyPerformanceCertificate | boolean | true, false |
XML schema:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 |
Grundstück (Site)
Grundstück Miete (livingRentSite)
Description | Field Name | Field Type | Allowed Values |
Anbieterobjektnummer | externalId | String | 50 characters. "/" and "\" are allowed |
Exposeüberschrift* | title | String | Max. 100 characters |
Straße* | street | String | Max. 100 characters |
Hausnummer* | houseNumber | String | Max. 10 characters |
PLZ* | postcode | String | Max. 5 characters |
Ort* | city | String | Max. 50 characters |
API-Suche-Felder | searchField1, 2, 3 | String | These fields can be used as search filters in the search REST API. Thus, you can define values yourself that are not available as a field in the object entry. Allowed values: 1-16 characters. Allowed values: [0-9 a-z A-Z]*. |
Objektgruppierung | groupNumber | int | Max. 10 digits, 0 - 2147483647 |
Objektbeschreibung | descriptionNote | String | Max. 3999 bytes |
Lage | locationNote | String | Max. 3999 bytes |
Sonstige Angaben | otherNote | String | Max. 3999 bytes |
Objektadresse veröffentlichen? * | showAddress | boolean | true,false |
Kontaktperson | contact id | String | Please add a reference to a contact person (contactID). Use the contact endpoint to create, read, update, or delete a contact resource. If this field is left empty, then we will use the default contact address. |
Vermarktungsart* | commercialization Type | enum | RENT, LEASE |
Empfohlene Nutzungsarten | recommended UseTypes | enum | NO_INFORMATION (KeineAngabe), FUTURE_ DEVELOPMENT_ LAND (Bauerwartungsland), TWINHOUSE (Doppelhaus), SINGLE_ FAMILY_ HOUSE (Einfamilienhaus), GARAGE (Garagen), GARDEN (Garten), NO_ DEVELOPMENT (KeineBebauung), APARTMENT_ BUILDING (Mehrfamilienhaus), ORCHARD (Obstpflanzung), TERRACE_ HOUSE (Reihenhaus), PARKING_ SPACE (Stellplaetze), VILLA (Villa), FORREST (Wald) |
Heimfall nach ... Jahren (Pachtdauer) | tenancy | int | 0 - 999 |
Preis (Miete / Pacht pro Jahr)* | value | double | 0 - 9999999999999.99. If "0" is entered, the object will be shown with "Preis auf Anfrage" (price on application) in the result list and expose |
Währung* | currency | enum | EUR |
Grundstücksfläche* | plotArea | double | 0 - 99999999.99 |
Teilbar Ab | minDivisible | double | 0 - 99999999,4 |
Provisionspflichtig* | hasCourtage | enum | YES, NO, NOT_APPLICABLE |
Provisionsbetrag* | courtage | String | max. 100 characters. Only mandatory, if hasCourtage=true |
Provisionshinweis | courtageNote | String | Max. 500 characters (will be enhanced on 1.800 characters |
Frei ab | freeFrom | String | Max. 50 characters |
Kurzfristig bebaubar | shortTerm Constructible | boolean | true, false |
Baugenehmigung | buildingPermission | boolean | true, false |
Abriss | demolition | boolean | true, false |
Erschliessungs- zustand | siteDevelopment Type | enum | DEVELOPED (Erschlossen), DEVELOPED_PARTIALLY (Teilerschlossen), NOT_DEVELOPED (Unerschlossen), NO_INFORMATION (Unbekannt) |
Bebaubar nach | siteConstructibleType | enum | CONSTRUCTION PLAN (Bebauung nach Bebauungsplan), NEIGHBOUR CONSTRUCTION (Nachbarbebauung), EXTERNALAREA (Aussengebiet), NO_INFORMATION (Unbekannt) |
grz | grz | double | 0 - 9.99 |
gfz | gfz | double | 0 - 9.99 |
Multimedia Anhang "video"/td> | - | In the REST API, the multimedia files are detached from the property. The property only contains a reference (ID) to the multimedia attachments. Use the Attachments web service for creating/modifying/calling/deleting images, videos, PDF, URLs. |
Multimedia Anhang "bild" | - | same as video | |
Objektveröffentlichung VBM | entfällt | In the REST API there is a separate web service for object publication on the channels IS24, homepage, groups/exchanges. | |
Objektveröffentlichung IS24 | own Webservice | ||
Objektveröffentlichung HP | own Webservice | ||
Geokoordinaten (Breitengrad) | latitude | double | min. -90.0, max. 90.0 |
Geokoordinaten (Längengrad) | longitude | double | min. -180.0, max. 180.0 |
Expose-Erstellungsdatum | creationDate | date | jjjj-mm-tt:hh:mm:ss is generated automatically |
Expose-Änderungsdatum | LastModificationDate | Datum | jjjj-mm-tt:hh:mm:ss is generated automatically |
Vermarktungsart | marketingType | enum | RENT, LEASE |
Zahlungsintervall | priceIntervalType | enum | YEAR |
Leaseintervall | leaseInterval | enum | YEAR |
XML schema:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 |
Grundstück Kauf (livingBuySite)
description | REST-API | Field details | Value details |
Anbieterobjektnummer | externalId | String | 50 characters. "/" and "\" are allowed |
Exposeüberschrift* | title | String | Max. 100 characters |
Straße* | street | String | Max. 100 characters |
Hausnummer* | houseNumber | String | Max. 10 characters |
PLZ* | postcode | String | Max. 5 characters |
Ort* | city | String | Max. 50 characters |
API-Suche-Felder | searchField1, 2, 3 | String | These fields can be used as search filters in the search REST API. Thus, you can define values yourself that are not available as a field in the object entry. Allowed values: 1-16 characters. Allowed values: [0-9 a-z A-Z]*. |
Objektgruppierung | groupNumber | int | Max. 10 digits, 0 - 2147483647 |
Objektbeschreibung | descriptionNote | String | Max. 3999 bytes |
Lage | locationNote | String | Max. 3999 bytes |
Sonstige Angaben | otherNote | String | Max. 3999 bytes |
Objektadresse veröffentlichen? * | showAddress | boolean | true,false |
Kontaktperson | contact id | String | Please add a reference to a contact person (contactID). Use the contact endpoint to create, read, update, or delete a contact resource. If this field is left empty, then we will use the default contact address. |
Vermarktungsart* | commercializationType | enum | BUY, LEASEHOLD |
Empfohlene Nutzungsarten | recommendedUseTypes | enum | NO_INFORMATION (KeineAngabe), FUTURE_DEVELOPMENT_LAND (Bauerwartungsland), TWINHOUSE (Doppelhaus), SINGLE_FAMILY_HOUSE (Einfamilienhaus), GARAGE (Garagen), GARDEN (Garten), NO_DEVELOPMENT (KeineBebauung), APARTMENT_BUILDING (Mehrfamilienhaus), ORCHARD (Obstpflanzung), TERRACE_HOUSE (Reihenhaus), PARKING_SPACE (Stellplaetze), VILLA (Villa), FORREST (Wald) |
Heimfall nach... Jahren(Pachtdauer) | tenancy | int | 0 - 999 |
Preis(Kaufpreis / Erbpacht pro Jahr)* | value | double | 0 - 9999999999999.99. If "0" is entered, the object will be shown with "Preis auf Anfrage" (price on application) in the result list and expose |
Währung* | currency | enum | EUR |
Grundstücksfläche* | plotArea | double | 0 - 99999999.99 |
Teilbar Ab | minDivisible | double | 0 - 99999999,4999 |
Provisionspflichtig* | hasCourtage | enum | YES,NO,NOT_APPLICABLE |
Provisionsbetrag* | courtage | String | max. 100 characters. Only mandatory, if hasCourtage=true |
Provisionshinweis | courtageNote | String | Max. 500 characters (will be enhanced on 1.800 characters |
Frei ab | freeFrom | String | Max. 50 characters |
Kurzfristig bebaubar | shortTerm Constructible | boolean | true, false |
Baugenehmigung | buildingPermission | boolean | true, false |
Abriss | demolition | boolean | true, false |
Erschliessungs- zustand | siteDevelopment Type | enum | DEVELOPED (Erschlossen), DEVELOPED_PARTIALLY (Teilerschlossen), NOT_DEVELOPED (Unerschlossen), NO_INFORMATION (Unbekannt) |
Bebaubar nach | siteConstructibleType | enum | CONSTRUCTION PLAN (Bebauung nach Bebauungsplan), NEIGHBOUR CONSTRUCTION (Nachbarbebauung), EXTERNALAREA (Aussengebiet), NO_INFORMATION (Unbekannt) |
grz | grz | double | 0 - 9.99 |
gfz | gfz | double | 0 - 9.99 |
Multimedia Anhang "video" | - | In the REST API, the multimedia files are detached from the property. The property only contains a reference (ID) to the multimedia attachments. Use the Attachments web service for creating/modifying/calling/deleting images, videos, PDF, URLs. |
Multimedia Anhang "bild" | - | same as video | |
Objektveröffentlichung | StatusVBM | deprecated | In the REST API there is a separate web service for object publication on the channels IS24, homepage, groups/exchanges. |
Objektveröffentlichung | StatusIS24 | own Webservice | |
Objektveröffentlichung | StatusHP | own Webservice | > |
Geokoordinaten (Breitengrad) | latitude | double | min. -90.0, max. 90.0 |
Geokoordinaten (Längengrad) | longitude | double | min. -180.0, max. 180.0 |
Expose-Erstellungsdatum | creationDate | date | jjjj-mm-tt:hh:mm:ss is automatically generated |
Expose-Änderungsdatum | LastModificationDate | date | jjjj-mm-tt:hh:mm:ss is automatically generated |
Vermarktungsart | marketingType | enum | PURCHASE |
Zahlungsintervall | priceIntervalType | enum | ONE_TIME_CHARGE |
XML schema:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 |
Garage/Stellplatz (Garage)
Garage Miete (garageRent)
Description | Field Name | Field Type | Allowed Values |
Anbieterobjektnummer | externalId | String | 50 characters. "/" and "\" are allowed |
Exposeüberschrift* | title | String | Max. 100 characters |
Straße* | street | String | Max. 100 characters |
Hausnummer* | houseNumber | String | Max. 10 characters |
PLZ* | postcode | String | Max. 5 characters |
Ort* | city | String | Max. 50 characters |
API-Suche-Felder | searchField1, 2, 3 | String | These fields can be used as search filters in the search REST API. Thus, you can define values yourself that are not available as a field in the object entry. Allowed values: 1-16 characters. Allowed values: [0-9 a-z A-Z]*. |
Objektgruppierung | groupNumber | int | Max. 10 digits, 0 - 2147483647 |
Objektbeschreibung | descriptionNote | String | Max. 3999 bytes |
Ausstattung | furnishingNote | String | Max. 3999 bytes |
Lage | locationNote | String | Max. 3999 bytes |
Sonstige Angaben | otherNote | String | Max. 3999 bytes |
Objektadresse veröffentlichen? * | showAddress | boolean | true,false |
Kontaktperson | contact id | String | Please add a reference to a contact person (contactID). Use the contact endpoint to create, read, update, or delete a contact resource. If this field is left empty, then we will use the default contact address. |
Preis* | value | double | 0 - 9999999999999.99 |
Währung* | currency | enum | EUR |
Nebenkosten | additionalCosts | double | 0 - 9999999999999.99 |
Nutzfläche | usableFloorSpace | double | 0 - 99 |
Provisionspflichtig* | hasCourtage | enum | YES,NO,NOT_APPLICABLE |
Provisionsbetrag* | courtage | String | max. 100 characters. Only mandatory, if hasCourtage=true |
Provisionshinweis | courtageNote | String | Max. 500 characters (will be enhanced on 1.800 characters |
Frei ab | freeFrom | date | jjjj-mm-tt |
Frei bis | freeUntil | date | jjjj-mm-tt |
Garagentyp* | garageType | enum | NO_INFORMATION (keineAngabe), GARAGE (Garage), STREET_PARKING (Aussenstellplatz), CARPORT (Carport), DUPLEX (Duplex), CAR_PARK (Parkhaus), UNDERGROUND_GARAGE (Tiefgarage) |
Baujahr | constructionYear | int | 0 - 9999 |
Baujahr unbekannt | constructionYearUnknown | boolean | If a constructionYear is provided, constructionYearUnknown=false will be assumed (regardless of the value given for constructionYearUnknown). |
Länge | lengthGarage | double | 0 - 99.99 |
Breite | widthGarage | double | 0 - 99.99 |
Höhe | heightGarage | double | 0 - 99.99 |
Objektzustand | condition | enum | NO_INFORMATION (keine Angabe), FIRST_TIME_USE (Erstbezug), FIRST_TIME_USE_AFTER_REFURBISHMENT (Erstbezug nach Sanierung), MINT_CONDITION (Neuwertig), REFURBISHED (Saniert), MODERNIZED (Modernisiert), FULLY_RENOVATED (VollstaendigReonviert), WELL_KEPT (Gepflegt), NEED_OF_RENOVATION (Renovierungsbedürftig), NEGOTIABLE (NachVereinbarung), RIPE_FOR_DEMOLITION (Abbruchreif) |
Letzte Modernisierung | lastRefurbishment | int | 0 - 9999 |
Multimedia Anhang "video" | - | In the REST API, the multimedia files are detached from the property. The property only contains a reference (ID) to the multimedia attachments. Use the Attachments web service for creating/modifying/calling/deleting images, videos, PDF, URLs. |
Multimedia Anhang "bild" | - | same as video | |
Objektveröffentlichung StatusVBM | entfällt | In the REST API there is a separate web service for object publication on the channels IS24, homepage, groups/exchanges. | |
Objektveröffentlichung StatusIS24 | eigener Webservice | ||
Objektveröffentlichung StatusHP | eigener Webservice | ||
Expose-Erstellungsdatum | creationDate | DATE | jjjj-mm-tt:hh:mm:ss is automatically generated |
Expose-Änderungsdatum | LastModificationDate | date | jjjj-mm-tt:hh:mm:ss is automatically generated |
Geokoordinaten (Breitengrad) | latitude | double | min. -90.0, max. 90.0 |
Geokoordinaten (Längengrad) | longitude | double | min. -180.0, max. 180.0 |
XML schema:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 |
Garage Kauf (garageBuy)
Description | Field Name | Field Type | Allowed Values |
Anbieterobjektnummer | externalId | String | 50 characters. "/" and "\" are allowed |
Exposeüberschrift* | title | String | Max. 100 characters |
Straße* | street | String | Max. 100 characters |
Hausnummer* | houseNumber | String | Max. 10 characters |
PLZ* | postcode | String | Max. 5 characters |
Ort* | city | String | Max. 50 characters |
API-Suche-Felder | searchField1, 2, 3 | String | These fields can be used as search filters in the search REST API. Thus, you can define values yourself that are not available as a field in the object entry. Allowed values: 1-16 characters. Allowed values: [0-9 a-z A-Z]*. |
Objektgruppierung | groupNumber | int | Max. 10 digits, 0 - 2147483647 |
Objektbeschreibung | descriptionNote | String | Max. 3999 bytes |
Ausstattung | furnishingNote | String | Max. 3999 bytes |
Lage | locationNote | String | Max. 3999 bytes |
Sonstige Angaben | otherNote | String | Max. 3999 bytes |
Objektadresse veröffentlichen? * | showAddress | boolean | true,false |
Kontaktperson | contact id | String | Please add a reference to a contact person (contactID). Use the contact endpoint to create, read, update, or delete a contact resource. If this field is left empty, then we will use the default contact address. |
Preis* | value | double | 0 - 9999999999999.99 |
Währung* | currency | enum | EUR |
Nutzfläche | usableFloorSpace | double | 0 - 99 |
Provisionspflichtig* | hasCourtage | enum | YES, NO, NOT_APPLICABLE |
Provisionsbetrag* | courtage | String | max. 100 characters. Only mandatory, if hasCourtage=true |
Provisionshinweis | courtageNote | String | Max. 500 characters (will be enhanced on 1.800 characters |
Garagentyp* | garageType | enum | NO_INFORMATION (keineAngabe), GARAGE (Garage), STREET_PARKING (Aussenstellplatz), CARPORT (Carport), DUPLEX (Duplex), CAR_PARK (Parkhaus), UNDERGROUND_GARAGE (Tiefgarage) |
Baujahr | constructionYear | int | 0 - 9999 |
Baujahr unbekannt | constructionYearUnknown | boolean | If a constructionYear is provided, constructionYearUnknown=false will be assumed (regardless of the value given for constructionYearUnknown). |
Länge | lengthGarage | double | 0 - 99.99 |
Breite | widthGarage | double | 0 - 99.99 |
Höhe | heightGarage | double | 0 - 99.99 |
Objektzustand | condition | enum | NO_INFORMATION (keine Angabe), FIRST_TIME_USE (Erstbezug), FIRST_TIME_USE_AFTER_REFURBISHMENT (Erstbezug nach Sanierung), MINT_CONDITION (Neuwertig), REFURBISHED (Saniert), MODERNIZED (Modernisiert), FULLY_RENOVATED (VollstaendigReonviert), WELL_KEPT (Gepflegt), NEED_OF_RENOVATION (Renovierungsbedürftig), NEGOTIABLE (NachVereinbarung), RIPE_FOR_DEMOLITION (Abbruchreif) |
Letzte Modernisierung | lastRefurbishment | int | 0 - 9999 |
Multimedia Anhang "video" | - | In the REST API, the multimedia files are detached from the property. The property only contains a reference (ID) to the multimedia attachments. Use the Attachments web service for creating/modifying/calling/deleting images, videos, PDF, URLs. |
Multimedia Anhang "bild" | - | same as video | |
Objektveröffentlichung VBM | entfällt | In the REST API there is a separate web service for object publication on the channels IS24, homepage, groups/exchanges. | |
Objektveröffentlichung IS24 | own Webservice | ||
Objektveröffentlichung HP | own Webservice | ||
Expose-Erstellungsdatum | creationDate | date | jjjj-mm-tt:hh:mm:ss is automatically generated |
Expose-Änderungsdatum | LastModificationDate | date | jjjj-mm-tt:hh:mm:ss is automatically generated |
Geokoordinaten (Breitengrad) | latitude | double | min. -90.0, max. 90.0 |
Geokoordinaten (Längengrad) | longitude | double | min. -180.0, max. 180.0 |
XML schema:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 |
Gewerbeobjekt (Commercial Real Estate)
Büro/Praxis (office)
Description | Field Name | Field Type | Allowed Values |
Anbieterobjektnummer | externalId | String | 50 characters. "/" and "\" are allowed |
Exposeüberschrift* | title | String | Max. 100 characters |
Straße* | street | String | Max. 100 characters |
Hausnummer* | houseNumber | String | Max. 10 characters |
PLZ* | postcode | String | Max. 5 characters |
Ort* | city | String | Max. 50 characters |
API-Suche-Felder | searchField1, 2, 3 | String | These fields can be used as search filters in the search REST API. Thus, you can define values yourself that are not available as a field in the object entry. Allowed values: 1-16 characters. Allowed values: [0-9 a-z A-Z]*. |
Objektgruppierung | groupNumber | int | Max. 10 digits, 0 - 2147483647 |
Objektbeschreibung | descriptionNote | String | Max. 3999 bytes |
Ausstattung | furnishingNote | String | Max. 3999 bytes |
Lage | locationNote | String | Max. 3999 bytes |
Sonstige Angaben | otherNote | String | Max. 3999 bytes |
Objektadresse veröffentlichen? * | showAddress | boolean | true,false |
Kontaktperson | contact id | String | Please add a reference to a contact person (contactID). Use the contact endpoint to create, read, update, or delete a contact resource. If this field is left empty, then we will use the default contact address. |
Bürotyp* | officeType | enum | LOFT (Loft), STUDIO (Atelier), OFFICE (Buero), OFFICE_FLOOR (BueroEtage), OFFICE_BUILDING (Buerohaus), OFFICE_CENTRE (Buerozentrum), OFFICE_STORAGE_BUILDING (BueroUndLagerGebaeude), SURGERY (Praxis), SURGERY_FLOOR (PraxisEtage), SURGERY_BUILDING (PraxisHaus), COMMERCIAL_CENTRE (GewerbeZentrum), LIVING_AND_COMMERCIAL_BUILDING (WohnUndGeschaeftsgebaeude), OFFICE_AND_COMMERCIAL_BUILDING (BueroUndGeschaeftsgebaeude) |
Aufzug | lift | enum | YES, NO, NOT_APPLICABLE (keine Angabe) |
Keller | cellar | enum | YES, NOT_APPLICABLE (keine Angabe) |
Barrierefrei | handicappedAccessible | enum | YES, NOT_APPLICABLE (keine Angabe) |
Bodenbelag | flooringType | enum | NO_INFORMATION (keineAngabe), CONCRETE (Beton), EPOXY_RESIN (Epoxidharz), TILES(Fliesen), PLANKS (Dielen), LAMINATE (Laminat), PARQUET (Parkett), PVC (PVC), CARPET (Teppichboden), ANTISTATIC_FLOOR (TeppichbodenAntistatisch), OFFICE_CARPET (TeppichfliesenStuhlrollenfest), STONE (Stein), CUSTOMIZABLE (NachWunsch), WITHOUT (OhneBodenbelag) |
Kaution | deposit | string | Max. 50 characters |
Kantine | hasCanteen | enum | YES, NOT_APPLICABLE |
Datenverkabelung | lanCables | enum | NO_INFORMATION, YES, NO, BY_APPOINTMENT |
Starkstrom | highVoltage | enum | YES, NOT_APPLICABLE |
Küche | kitchenComplete | enum | YES, NOT_APPLICABLE |
Denkmalschutzobjekt | listed | enum | YES, NOT_APPLICABLE |
Klimaanlage | airConditioning | enum | NO_INFORMATION,
Fahrzeit zum nächsten Bahnhof | distanceToMRS | int | 0 - 99 |
Fahrzeit zur nächsten Autobahn | distanceToFM | int | 0 - 99 |
Laufzeit zum Öffentl. Personennahverkehr | distanceToPT | int | 0 - 99 |
Fahrzeit zum nächsten Flughafen | distanceToAirport | int | 0 - 99 |
Objektzustand | condition | enum | NO_INFORMATION (keine Angabe), FIRST_TIME_USE (Erstbezug), FIRST_TIME_USE_AFTER_REFURBISHMENT (Erstbezug nach Sanierung), MINT_CONDITION (Neuwertig), REFURBISHED (Saniert), MODERNIZED (Modernisiert), FULLY_RENOVATED (VollstaendigReonviert), WELL_KEPT (Gepflegt), NEED_OF_RENOVATION (Renovierungsbedürftig), NEGOTIABLE (NachVereinbarung), RIPE_FOR_DEMOLITION (Abbruchreif) |
Baujahr | constructionYear | int | 0 - 9999 (4 digits) Year of the building construction (year of readiness for occupancy; de: "bezugsfertig"). |
Baujahr unbekannt | constructionYearUnknown | boolean | If a constructionYear is provided, constructionYearUnknown=false will be assumed (regardless of the value given for constructionYearUnknown). |
Anzahl Parkplätze | numberOfParkingSpaces | int | 0 - 99999 |
Preis pro Parkfläche | parkingSpacePrice | double | 0 - 9999999999999.99 |
Letzte Modernisierung | lastRefurbishment | String | 1000 - 9999 |
Qualität der Ausstattung | interiorQuality | enum | NO_INFORMANTION (keine Angabe), LUXURY (luxus), SOPHISTICATED (gehoben), NORMAL, SIMPLE (einfach) |
Frei ab | freeFrom | String | Max. 50 characters |
Heizungsart | heatingType | enum | NO_INFORMATION (keine Angabe), SELF_CONTAINED_CENTRAL_HEATING (Etagenheizung), STOVE_HEATING (Ofenheizung), CENTRAL_HEATING (Zentralheizung)
For using the new enum fields: |
Befeuerungsarten | firingType | enum | NO_INFORMANTION (keine Angabe), GEOTHERMAL (Erdwärme), SOLAR_HEATING (Solarheizung), PELLET_HEATING (Pelletheizung), GAS, OIL (Öl), DISTRICT_HEATING (Fernwärme), ELECTRICITY (Strom), COAL (Kohle) |
Energieausweistyp | BuildingEnergyRatingType | enum | NO_INFORMATION (Keine Angabe), ENERGY_REQUIRED (Endenergiebedarf), ENERGY_CONSUMPTION (Energieverbrauchskennwert). Select the type of certificate for which you want to specify a characteristic value. An energy certificate is divided into final energy demand (demand-oriented certificate) and energy consumption characteristic value (consumption-oriented certificate). The demand-oriented energy certificate is based on the calculated demand of the building. The consumption-oriented certificate is based on the actual consumption of the users. When specifying the energy consumption characteristic value, please note whether the hot water consumption is included. |
Energieverbrauchskennwert | thermalCharacteristic | double | 0-9999.99. Please enter the "characteristic value" (numbers) of the property according to the selected "energy certificate type" in kWh/(m²*a). |
Energieverbrauch enthält Warmwasser | energyConsumptionContainsWarmWater | enum | YES, NOT_APPLICABLE. Please set this value only if your specified "characteristic value" is an "energy consumption characteristic value" and this contains the "energy consumption for hot water". |
Anzahl Etagen | numberOfFloors | int | 0 - 999 |
Nebenkosten | additionalCosts | double | 0 - 9999999999999.99 |
Vermarktungsart* | commercializationType | enum | BUY, RENT |
Preis* | value | double | 0 - 9999999999999.99. If "0" is entered, the object will be shown with "Preis auf Anfrage" (price on application) in the result list and expose |
Währung* | currency | enum | Euro |
Preis gilt für Fläche/ Zeitraum * | marketingType | string | Has to be compatible to commercializationType! If commercializationType = "RENT", than RENT or RENT_PER_SQM. If "BUY", than "PURCHASE". |
Preis inkl. Zusatzservices | additionalServicesIncluded | enum | Is only valid for commercializationType = "RENT", then YES, NOT_APPLICABLE. If not provided, NOT_APPLICABLE is default. |
Büro-/Praxisfläche* | netFloorSpace | double | 0 - 99999999.99 |
Gesamtfläche* | totalFloorSpace | double | 0 - 99999999.99 |
Teilbar Ab | minDivisible | double | 0 - 99999999,4999 |
Provisionspflichtig* | hasCourtage | enum | YES,NO,NOT_APPLICABLE |
Provisionsbetrag* | courtage | String | max. 100 characters. Only mandatory, if hasCourtage=true |
Multimedia Anhang "video" | - | In the REST API, the multimedia files are detached from the property. The property only contains a reference (ID) to the multimedia attachments. Use the Attachments web service for creating/modifying/calling/deleting images, videos, PDF, URLs. |
Multimedia Anhang "bild" | - | same as video | |
Objektveröffentlichung StatusVBM | entfällt | In the REST API there is a separate web service for object publication on the channels IS24, homepage, groups/exchanges. | |
Objektveröffentlichung StatusIS24 | own Webservice | ||
Objektveröffentlichung StatusHP | own Webservice | ||
Expose-Erstellungsdatum | creationDate | Datum | jjjj-mm-tt:hh:mm:ss is automatically generated |
Expose-Änderungsdatum | LastModificationDate | Datum | jjjj-mm-tt:hh:mm:ss is automatically generated |
Geokoordinaten (Breitengrad) | latitude | double | min. -90.0, max. 90.0 |
Geokoordinaten (Längengrad) | longitude | double | min. -180.0, max. 180.0 |
Zahlungsintervall | priceIntervalType | enum | DAY, WEEK, MONTH, YEAR, ONE_TIME_CHARGE |
Mietdauer | officeRentDurations | enum | WEEKLY, MONTHLY, YEARLY, LONG_TERM. This attribute enables publishing an office in the new category "Büros auf Zeit" ("short-term rent offices"). LONG_TERM represents an ordinary rental contract. WEEKLY, MONTHLY and YEARLY represent atypical rental contracts for short term usage. If the field is not sent, LONG_TERM will be used as default value. |
XML schema:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 |
Einzelhandel (store)
Description | Field Name | Field Type | Allowed Values |
Anbieterobjektnummer | externalId | String | 50 characters. "/" and "\" are allowed |
Exposeüberschrift* | title | String | Max. 100 characters |
Straße* | street | String | Max. 100 characters |
Hausnummer* | houseNumber | String | Max. 10 characters |
PLZ* | postcode | String | Max. 5 characters |
Ort* | city | String | Max. 50 characters |
API-Suche-Felder | searchField1, 2, 3 | String | These fields can be used as search filters in the search REST API. Thus, you can define values yourself that are not available as a field in the object entry. Allowed values: 1-16 characters. Allowed values: [0-9 a-z A-Z]*. |
Objektgruppierung | groupNumber | int | Max. 10 digits, 0 - 2147483647 |
Objektbeschreibung | descriptionNote | String | Max. 3999 bytes |
Ausstattung | furnishingNote | String | Max. 3999 bytes |
Lage | locationNote | String | Max. 3999 bytes |
Sonstige Angaben | otherNote | String | Max. 3999 bytes |
Objektadresse veröffentlichen? * | showAddress | boolean | true,false |
Kontaktperson | contact id | String | Please add a reference to a contact person (contactID). Use the contact endpoint to create, read, update, or delete a contact resource. If this field is left empty, then we will use the default contact address. |
Ladentyp | storeType | enum | SHOWROOM_SPACE (Ausstellungsflaeche), SHOPPING_CENTRE (Einkaufszentrum), FACTORY_OUTLET (FactoryOutlet), DEPARTMENT_STORE (Kaufhaus), KIOSK (Kiosk), STORE (Laden), SELF_SERVICE_MARKET (SBMarkt), SALES_AREA (Verkaufsflaeche), SALES_HALL (Verkaufshalle) |
Lageart | locationClassificationType | enum | NO_INFORMATION (keineAngabe), CLASSIFICATION_A (ALage), CLASSIFICATION_B (BLage), SHOPPING_CENTRE (Einkaufszentrum) |
Schaufensterfront | shopWindowLength | double | 0 - 999.99 |
Denkmalschutzobjekt | listed | enum | YES, NOT_APPLICABLE |
Aufzug | lift | enum | YES, NOT_APPLICABLE |
Lastenaufzug | goodsLift | enum | YES, NOT_APPLICABLE |
Lastenaufzug Tragkraft | goodsLiftLoad | double | 0 - 99999.99 |
Deckenlast | floorLoad | double | 0 - 99999.99 |
Rampe | ramp | enum | YES, NOT_APPLICABLE |
Keller | cellar | enum | YES, NOT_APPLICABLE (keine Angabe) |
Zulieferungsart | supplyType | enum | NO_INFORMATION (keineAngabe), DIRECT_APPROACH (DirekterZugang), NO_DIRECT_APPROACH (KeineDirekteAnfahrt), CAR_APPROACH (PKW-Zufahrt), APPROACH_TO_THE_FRONT (VonVorn), APPROACH_TO_THE_BACK (VonHinten), FULL_TIME (Ganztaegig), FORENOON (Vormittags) |
Bodenbelag | flooringType | enum | NO_INFORMATION (keineAngabe), CONCRETE (Beton), EPOXY_RESIN (Epoxidharz), TILES(Fliesen), PLANKS (Dielen), LAMINATE (Laminat), PARQUET (Parkett), PVC (PVC), CARPET (Teppichboden), ANTISTATIC_FLOOR (TeppichbodenAntistatisch), OFFICE_CARPET (TeppichfliesenStuhlrollenfest), STONE (Stein), CUSTOMIZABLE (NachWunsch), WITHOUT (OhneBodenbelag) |
Kaution | deposit | string | Max. 50 characters |
Vermarktungsart* | commercializationType | enum | BUY, RENT |
Preis* | value | double | 0 - 9999999999999.99. If "0" is entered, the object will be shown with "Preis auf Anfrage" (price on application) in the result list and expose |
Währung* | currency | enum | Euro |
Preis gilt für Fläche/ Zeitraum * | marketingType | string | Has to be compatible to commercializationType! If commercializationType = "RENT", than RENT or RENT_PER_SQM. If "BUY", than "PURCHASE". |
Gesamtfläche* | totalFloorSpace | double | 0 - 99999999.99 |
Verkaufsfläche* | netFloorSpace | double | 0 - 99999999.99 |
Teilbar Ab | minDivisible | double | 0 - 99999999,4999 |
Provisionspflichtig* | hasCourtage | enum | YES,NO,NOT_APPLICABLE |
Provisionsbetrag* | courtage | String | max. 100 characters. Only mandatory, if hasCourtage=true |
Provisionshinweis | courtageNote | String | Max. 500 characters |
Fahrzeit zum nächsten Bahnhof | distanceToMRS | int | 0 - 99 |
Fahrzeit zur nächsten Autobahn | distanceToFM | int | 0 - 99 |
Laufzeit zum Öffentl. Personennahverkehr | distanceToPT | int | 0 - 99 |
Fahrzeit zum nächsten Flughafen | distanceToAirport | int | 0 - 99 |
Objektzustand | condition | enum | NO_INFORMATION (keine Angabe), FIRST_TIME_USE (Erstbezug), FIRST_TIME_USE_AFTER_REFURBISHMENT (Erstbezug nach Sanierung), MINT_CONDITION (Neuwertig), REFURBISHED (Saniert), MODERNIZED (Modernisiert), FULLY_RENOVATED (VollstaendigReonviert), WELL_KEPT (Gepflegt), NEED_OF_RENOVATION (Renovierungsbedürftig), NEGOTIABLE (NachVereinbarung), RIPE_FOR_DEMOLITION (Abbruchreif) |
Baujahr | constructionYear | int | 0 - 9999 (4 digits) Year of the building construction (year of readiness for occupancy; de: "bezugsfertig"). |
Baujahr unbekannt | constructionYearUnknown | boolean | If a constructionYear is provided, constructionYearUnknown=false will be assumed (regardless of the value given for constructionYearUnknown). |
Anzahl Parkplätze | numberOfParkingSpaces | int | 0 - 99999 |
Preis pro Parkfläche | parkingSpacePrice | double | 0 - 9999999999999.99 |
Letzte Modernisierung | lastRefurbishment | String | 1000 - 9999 |
Qualität der Ausstattung | interiorQuality | enum | NO_INFORMANTION (keine Angabe), LUXURY (luxus), SOPHISTICATED (gehoben), NORMAL, SIMPLE (einfach) |
Frei ab | freeFrom | String | Max. 50 characters |
Heizungsart | heatingType | enum | NO_INFORMATION (keine Angabe), SELF_CONTAINED_CENTRAL_HEATING (Etagenheizung), STOVE_HEATING (Ofenheizung), CENTRAL_HEATING (Zentralheizung)
For using the new enum fields: |
Befeuerungsarten | firingType | enum | NO_INFORMANTION (keine Angabe), GEOTHERMAL (Erdwärme), SOLAR_HEATING (Solarheizung), PELLET_HEATING (Pelletheizung), GAS, OIL (Öl), DISTRICT_HEATING (Fernwärme), ELECTRICITY (Strom), COAL (Kohle) |
Energieausweistyp | BuildingEnergyRatingType | enum | NO_INFORMATION (Keine Angabe), ENERGY_REQUIRED (Endenergiebedarf), ENERGY_CONSUMPTION (Energieverbrauchskennwert). Select the type of certificate for which you want to specify a characteristic value. An energy certificate is divided into final energy demand (demand-oriented certificate) and energy consumption characteristic value (consumption-oriented certificate). The demand-oriented energy certificate is based on the calculated demand of the building. The consumption-oriented certificate is based on the actual consumption of the users. When specifying the energy consumption characteristic value, please note whether the hot water consumption is included. |
Energieverbrauchskennwert | thermalCharacteristic | double | 0-9999.99. Please enter the "characteristic value" (numbers) of the property according to the selected "energy certificate type" in kWh/(m²*a). |
Energieverbrauch enthält Warmwasser | energyConsumptionContainsWarmWater | enum | YES, NOT_APPLICABLE. Please set this value only if your specified "characteristic value" is an "energy consumption characteristic value" and this contains the "energy consumption for hot water". |
Nebenfläche | additionalArea | double | 0 - 99999999.99 |
Anzahl Etagen | numberOfFloors | int | 0 - 999 |
Nebenkosten | additionalCosts | double | 0 - 9999999999999.99 |
Multimedia Anhang "video" | - | In the REST API, the multimedia files are detached from the property. The property only contains a reference (ID) to the multimedia attachments. Use the Attachments web service for creating/modifying/calling/deleting images, videos, PDF, URLs. |
Multimedia Anhang "bild" | - | same as video | |
Objektveröffentlichung StatusVBM | entfällt | In the REST API there is a separate web service for object publication on the channels IS24, homepage, groups/exchanges. | |
Objektveröffentlichung StatusIS24 | eigener Webservice | ||
Objektveröffentlichung StatusHP | eigener Webservice | ||
Expose-Erstellungsdatum | creationDate | Datum | jjjj-mm-tt:hh:mm:ss is automatically generated |
Expose-Änderungsdatum | LastModificationDate | Datum | jjjj-mm-tt:hh:mm:ss is automatically generated< |
Geokoordinaten (Breitengrad) | latitude | double | min. -90.0, max. 90.0 |
Geokoordinaten (Längengrad) | longitude | double | min. -180.0, max. 180.0 |
Zahlungsintervall | priceIntervalType | enum | DAY, WEEK, MONTH, YEAR, ONE_TIME_CHARGE |
XML schema:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 |
Gastronomie/Hotel (gastronomy)
Description | Field Name | Field Type | Allowed Values |
Anbieterobjektnummer | externalId | String | 50 characters. "/" and "\" are allowed |
Exposeüberschrift* | title | String | Max. 100 characters |
Straße* | street | String | Max. 100 characters |
Hausnummer* | houseNumber | String | Max. 10 characters |
PLZ* | postcode | String | Max. 5 characters |
Ort* | city | String | Max. 50 characters |
API-Suche-Felder | searchField1, 2, 3 | String | These fields can be used as search filters in the search REST API. Thus, you can define values yourself that are not available as a field in the object entry. Allowed values: 1-16 characters. Allowed values: [0-9 a-z A-Z]*. |
Objektgruppierung | groupNumber | int | Max. 10 digits, 0 - 2147483647 |
Objektbeschreibung | descriptionNote | String | Max. 3999 bytes |
Ausstattung | furnishingNote | String | Max. 3999 bytes |
Lage | locationNote | String | Max. 3999 bytes |
Sonstige Angaben | otherNote | String | Max. 3999 bytes |
Objektadresse veröffentlichen? * | showAddress | boolean | true,false |
Kontaktperson | contact id | String | Please add a reference to a contact person (contactID). Use the contact endpoint to create, read, update, or delete a contact resource. If this field is left empty, then we will use the default contact address. |
Gastronomietyp* | gastronomyType | enum | BAR_LOUNGE (Barbetrieb), CAFE (Caffee), CLUB_DISCO (Diskothek), GUESTS_HOUSE (Gaestehaus), TAVERN (), HOTEL (Hotel), HOTEL_RESIDENCE (Hotelanwesen), HOTEL_GARNI (HotelGarni), PENSION (Pension), RESTAURANT (Restaurant), BUNGALOW (Ferienbungalow) |
Denkmalschutzobjekt | listed | enum | YES, NOT_APPLICABLE |
Aufzug | lift | enum | YES, NOT_APPLICABLE |
Terrasse | terrace | enum | YES, NOT_APPLICABLE |
Anzahl der Sitzplätze | numberSeats | int | 0 - 99999 |
Anzahl der Betten | numberBeds | int | 0 - 99999 |
Keller | cellar | enum | YES, NOT_APPLICABLE (keine Angabe) |
Kaution | deposit | string | Max. 50 characters |
Vermarktungsart* | commercializationType | enum | BUY, RENT |
Preis* | value | double | 0 - 9999999999999.99 |
Währung* | currency | enum | Euro |
Preis gilt für Fläche/ Zeitraum * | marketingType | string | Has to be compatible to commercializationType! If commercializationType = "RENT", than "RENT". If "BUY", than "PURCHASE". |
Gesamtfläche* | totalFloorSpace | double | 0 - 99999999.99 |
Gastraumfläche | netFloorSpace | double | 0 - 99999999.99 |
Provisionspflichtig* | hasCourtage | enum | YES,NO,NOT_APPLICABLE |
Provisionsbetrag* | courtage | String | max. 100 characters. Only mandatory, if hasCourtage=true |
Provisionshinweis | courtageNote | String | Max. 500 characters |
Fahrzeit zum nächsten Bahnhof | distanceToMRS | int | 0 - 99 |
Fahrzeit zur nächsten Autobahn | distanceToFM | int | 0 - 99 |
Laufzeit zum Öffentl. Personennahverkehr | distanceToPT | int | 0 - 99 |
Fahrzeit zum nächsten Flughafen | distanceToAirport | int | 0 - 99 |
Objektzustand | condition | enum | NO_INFORMATION (keine Angabe), FIRST_TIME_USE (Erstbezug), FIRST_TIME_USE_AFTER_REFURBISHMENT (Erstbezug nach Sanierung), MINT_CONDITION (Neuwertig), REFURBISHED (Saniert), MODERNIZED (Modernisiert), FULLY_RENOVATED (VollstaendigReonviert), WELL_KEPT (Gepflegt), NEED_OF_RENOVATION (Renovierungsbedürftig), NEGOTIABLE (NachVereinbarung), RIPE_FOR_DEMOLITION (Abbruchreif) |
Baujahr | constructionYear | int | 0 - 9999 (4 digits) Year of the building construction (year of readiness for occupancy; de: "bezugsfertig"). |
Baujahr unbekannt | constructionYearUnknown | boolean | If a constructionYear is provided, constructionYearUnknown=false will be assumed (regardless of the value given for constructionYearUnknown). |
Anzahl Parkplätze | numberOfParkingSpaces | int | 0 - 99999 |
Preis pro Parkfläche | parkingSpacePrice | double | 0 - 9999999999999.99 |
Letzte Modernisierung | lastRefurbishment | String | 1000 - 9999 |
Qualität der Ausstattung | interiorQuality | enum | NO_INFORMANTION (keine Angabe), LUXURY (luxus), SOPHISTICATED (gehoben), NORMAL, SIMPLE (einfach) |
Frei ab | freeFrom | String | Max. 50 characters |
Heizungsart | heatingType | enum | NO_INFORMATION (keine Angabe), SELF_CONTAINED_CENTRAL_HEATING (Etagenheizung), STOVE_HEATING (Ofenheizung), CENTRAL_HEATING (Zentralheizung)
For using the new enum fields: |
Befeuerungsarten | firingType | enum | NO_INFORMANTION (keine Angabe), GEOTHERMAL (Erdwärme), SOLAR_HEATING (Solarheizung), PELLET_HEATING (Pelletheizung), GAS, OIL (Öl), DISTRICT_HEATING (Fernwärme), ELECTRICITY (Strom), COAL (Kohle) |
Energieausweistyp | BuildingEnergyRatingType | enum | NO_INFORMATION (Keine Angabe), ENERGY_REQUIRED (Endenergiebedarf), ENERGY_CONSUMPTION (Energieverbrauchskennwert). Select the type of certificate for which you want to specify a characteristic value. An energy certificate is divided into final energy demand (demand-oriented certificate) and energy consumption characteristic value (consumption-oriented certificate). The demand-oriented energy certificate is based on the calculated demand of the building. The consumption-oriented certificate is based on the actual consumption of the users. When specifying the energy consumption characteristic value, please note whether the hot water consumption is included. |
Energieverbrauchskennwert | thermalCharacteristic | double | 0 - 9999.99. Please enter the "characteristic value" (numbers) of the property according to the selected "energy certificate type" in kWh/(m²*a). |
Energieverbrauch enthält Warmwasser | energyConsumptionContainsWarmWater | enum | YES, NOT_APPLICABLE. Please set this value only if your specified "characteristic value" is an "energy consumption characteristic value" and this contains the "energy consumption for hot water". |
Nebenfläche | additionalArea | double | 0 - 99999999.99 |
Anzahl Etagen | numberOfFloors | String | 0 - 999 |
Nebenkosten | additionalCosts | double | 0 - 9999999999999.99 |
Multimedia Anhang "video" | - | In the REST API, the multimedia files are detached from the property. The property only contains a reference (ID) to the multimedia attachments. Use the Attachments web service for creating/modifying/calling/deleting images, videos, PDF, URLs. |
Multimedia Anhang "bild" | - | same as video | |
Objektveröffentlichung StatusVBM | entfällt | In the REST API there is a separate web service for object publication on the channels IS24, homepage, groups/exchanges. | |
Objektveröffentlichung StatusIS24 | eigener Webservice | ||
Objektveröffentlichung StatusHP | eigener Webservice | ||
Expose-Erstellungsdatum | creationDate | Datum | jjjj-mm-tt:hh:mm:ss is automatically generated |
Expose-Änderungsdatum | LastModificationDate | Datum | jjjj-mm-tt:hh:mm:ss is automatically generated |
Geokoordinaten (Breitengrad) | latitude | double | min. -90.0, max. 90.0 |
Geokoordinaten (Längengrad) | longitude | double | min. -180.0, max. 180.0 |
Zahlungsintervall | priceIntervalType | enum | DAY, WEEK, MONTH, YEAR, ONE_TIME_CHARGE |
XML schema:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 |
Halle/Produktion (industry)
Description | Field Name | Field Type | Allowed Values |
Anbieterobjektnummer | externalId | String | 50 characters. "/" and "\" are allowed |
Exposeüberschrift* | title | String | Max. 100 characters |
Straße* | street | String | Max. 100 characters |
Hausnummer* | houseNumber | String | Max. 10 characters |
PLZ* | postcode | String | Max. 5 characters |
Ort* | city | String | Max. 50 characters |
API-Suche-Felder | searchField1, 2, 3 | String | These fields can be used as search filters in the search REST API. Thus, you can define values yourself that are not available as a field in the object entry. Allowed values: 1-16 characters. Allowed values: [0-9 a-z A-Z]*. |
Objektgruppierung | groupNumber | int | Max. 10 digits, 0 - 2147483647 |
Objektbeschreibung | descriptionNote | String | Max. 3999 bytes |
Ausstattung | furnishingNote | String | Max. 3999 bytes |
Lage | locationNote | String | Max. 3999 bytes |
Sonstige Angaben | otherNote | String | Max. 3999 bytes |
Objektadresse veröffentlichen? * | showAddress | boolean | true,false |
Kontaktperson | contact id | String | Please add a reference to a contact person (contactID). Use the contact endpoint to create, read, update, or delete a contact resource. If this field is left empty, then we will use the default contact address. |
Objekttyp* | industryType | enum | SHOWROOM_SPACE (Ausstellungsflaeche), HALL (Halle), HIGH_LACK_STORAGE (Hochregallager), INDUSTRY_HALL (Industriehalle), INDUSTRY_HALL_WITH_OPEN_AREA (IndustriehalleMitFreiflaeche), COLD_STORAGE (Kuehlhaus), MULTIDECK_CABINET_STORAGE (Kuehlregallager), STORAGE_WITH_OPEN_AREA (LagerMitFreiflaeche), STORAGE_AREA (Lagerflaeche), STORAGE_HALL (Lagerhalle), SERVICE_AREA (Serviceflaeche), SHIPPING_STORAGE (Speditionslager), REPAIR_SHOP (Werkstatt) |
Grundstücksfläche | plotArea | double | 0 - 99999999.99 |
Hallen-/Geschosshöhe | hallHeight | double | 0 - 999.99 |
Bodenbelag | flooringType | enum | NO_INFORMATION (keineAngabe), CONCRETE (Beton), EPOXY_RESIN (Epoxidharz), TILES(Fliesen), PLANKS (Dielen), LAMINATE (Laminat), PARQUET (Parkett), PVC (PVC), CARPET (Teppichboden), ANTISTATIC_FLOOR (TeppichbodenAntistatisch), OFFICE_CARPET (TeppichfliesenStuhlrollenfest), STONE (Stein), CUSTOMIZABLE (NachWunsch), WITHOUT (OhneBodenbelag) |
Rampe | ramp | enum | YES, NO, NOT_APPLICABLE (keine Angabe) |
Aufzug | lift | enum | YES, NO, NOT_APPLICABLE (keine Angabe) |
Hebebühne | autoLift | enumn | YYES, NO, NOT_APPLICABLE (keine Angabe) |
Lastenaufzug | goodsLift | enum | YES, NO, NOT_APPLICABLE (keine Angabe) |
Lastenaufzugtragkraft | goodsLiftLoad | double | 0 - 99999.99 |
Kranbahn | craneRunway | enum | YES, NO, NOT_APPLICABLE (keine Angabe) |
Kranbahn Tragkraft (tonnen) | craneRunwayLoad | double | 0 - 99999.99 |
Stromanschlusswert (kVA) | connectedLoad | double | 0 - 99999.99 |
Bodenbelastung | floorLoad | double | 0 - 99999.99 |
Kaution | deposit | string | Max. 50 characters |
Vermarktungsart* | commercializationType | enum | BUY, RENT |
Preis* | value | double | 0 - 9999999999999.99. If "0" is entered, the object will be shown with "Preis auf Anfrage" (price on application) in the result list and expose |
Währung* | currency | enum | Euro |
Preis gilt für Fläche/ Zeitraum * | marketingType | string | Has to be compatible to commercializationType! If commercializationType = "RENT", than RENT or RENT_PER_SQM. If "BUY", than "PURCHASE". |
Gesamtfläche* | totalFloorSpace | double | 0 - 99999999.99 |
Lager-/Produktionsfläche * | netFloorSpace | double | 0 - 99999999.99 |
Teilbar Ab | minDivisible | String | 0 - 99999999.99 |
Provisionspflichtig* | hasCourtage | enum | YES, NO, NOT_APPLICABLE (keine Angabe) |
Provisionsbetrag* | courtage | String | max. 100 characters. Only mandatory, if hasCourtage=true |
Provisionshinweis | courtageNote | String | Max. 500 characters |
Fahrzeit zum nächsten Bahnhof | distanceToMRS | int | 0 - 99 |
Fahrzeit zur nächsten Autobahn | distanceToFM | int | 0 - 99 |
Laufzeit zum Öffentl. Personennahverkehr | distanceToPT | int | 0 - 99 |
Fahrzeit zum nächsten Flughafen | distanceToAirport | int | 0 - 99 |
Objektzustand | condition | enum | NO_INFORMATION (keine Angabe), FIRST_TIME_USE (Erstbezug), FIRST_TIME_USE_AFTER_REFURBISHMENT (Erstbezug nach Sanierung), MINT_CONDITION (Neuwertig), REFURBISHED (Saniert), MODERNIZED (Modernisiert), FULLY_RENOVATED (VollstaendigReonviert), WELL_KEPT (Gepflegt), NEED_OF_RENOVATION (Renovierungsbedürftig), NEGOTIABLE (NachVereinbarung), RIPE_FOR_DEMOLITION (Abbruchreif) |
Baujahr | constructionYear | int | 0 - 9999 (4 digits) Year of the building construction (year of readiness for occupancy; de: "bezugsfertig"). |
Baujahr unbekannt | constructionYearUnknown | boolean | If a constructionYear is provided, constructionYearUnknown=false will be assumed (regardless of the value given for constructionYearUnknown). |
Anzahl Parkplätze | numberOfParkingSpaces | int | 0 - 99999 |
Preis pro Parkfläche | parkingSpacePrice | double | 0 - 9999999999999.99 |
Letzte Modernisierung | lastRefurbishment | String | 1000 - 9999 |
Qualität der Ausstattung | interiorQuality | enum | NO_INFORMANTION (keine Angabe), LUXURY (luxus), SOPHISTICATED (gehoben), NORMAL, SIMPLE (einfach) |
Frei ab | freeFrom | String | Max. 50 characters |
Heizungsart | heatingType | enum | NO_INFORMATION (keine Angabe), SELF_CONTAINED_CENTRAL_HEATING (Etagenheizung), STOVE_HEATING (Ofenheizung), CENTRAL_HEATING (Zentralheizung)
For using the new enum fields: |
Befeuerungsarten | firingType | enum | NO_INFORMANTION (keine Angabe), GEOTHERMAL (Erdwärme), SOLAR_HEATING (Solarheizung), PELLET_HEATING (Pelletheizung), GAS, OIL (Öl), DISTRICT_HEATING (Fernwärme), ELECTRICITY (Strom), COAL (Kohle) |
Energieausweistyp | BuildingEnergyRatingType | enum | NO_INFORMATION (Keine Angabe), ENERGY_REQUIRED (Endenergiebedarf), ENERGY_CONSUMPTION (Energieverbrauchskennwert). Select the type of certificate for which you want to specify a characteristic value. An energy certificate is divided into final energy demand (demand-oriented certificate) and energy consumption characteristic value (consumption-oriented certificate). The demand-oriented energy certificate is based on the calculated demand of the building. The consumption-oriented certificate is based on the actual consumption of the users. When specifying the energy consumption characteristic value, please note whether the hot water consumption is included. |
Energieverbrauchskennwert | thermalCharacteristic | double | 0 - 9999.99. Bitte geben Sie den "Kennwert" (Zahlen) der Immobilie nach dem ausgewählten "Energieausweistyp" in kWh/(m²*a) an. |
Energieverbrauch enthält Warmwasser | energyConsumptionContainsWarmWater | enum | YES, NOT_APPLICABLE. Please set this value only if your specified "characteristic value" is an "energy consumption characteristic value" and this contains the "energy consumption for hot water". |
Nebenfläche | additionalArea | double | 0 - 99999999.99 |
Anzahl Etagen | numberOfFloors | int | 0 - 999 |
Nebenkosten | additionalCosts | double | 0 - 9999999999999.99 |
Multimedia Anhang "video" | - | In the REST API, the multimedia files are detached from the property. The property only contains a reference (ID) to the multimedia attachments. Use the Attachments web service for creating/modifying/calling/deleting images, videos, PDF, URLs. |
Multimedia Anhang "bild" | - | same as video | |
Objektveröffentlichung StatusVBM | entfällt | In the REST API there is a separate web service for object publication on the channels IS24, homepage, groups/exchanges. | |
Objektveröffentlichung StatusIS24 | own Webservice | ||
Objektveröffentlichung StatusHP | own Webservice | ||
Expose-Erstellungsdatum | creationDate | Datum | jjjj-mm-tt:hh:mm:ss is automatically generated |
Expose-Änderungsdatum | LastModificationDate | Datum | jjjj-mm-tt:hh:mm:ss is automatically generated |
Geokoordinaten (Breitengrad) | latitude | double | min. -90.0, max. 90.0 |
Geokoordinaten (Längengrad) | longitude | double | min. -180.0, max. 180.0 |
Zahlungsintervall | priceIntervalType | enum | DAY, WEEK, MONTH, YEAR, ONE_TIME_CHARGE |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 |
Gewerbegrundstück (tradeSite)
Description | Field Name | Field Type | Allowed Values |
Anbieterobjektnummer | externalId | String | 50 characters. "/" and "\" are allowed |
Exposeüberschrift* | title | String | Max. 100 characters |
Straße* | street | String | Max. 100 characters |
Hausnummer* | houseNumber | String | Max. 10 characters |
PLZ* | postcode | String | Max. 5 characters |
Ort* | city | String | Max. 50 characters |
API-Suche-Felder | searchField1, 2, 3 | String | These fields can be used as search filters in the search REST API. Thus, you can define values yourself that are not available as a field in the object entry. Allowed values: 1-16 characters. Allowed values: [0-9 a-z A-Z]*. |
Objektgruppierung | groupNumber | int | Max. 10 digits, 0 - 2147483647 |
Objektbeschreibung | descriptionNote | String | Max. 3999 bytes |
Ausstattung | furnishingNote | String | Max. 3999 bytes |
Lage | locationNote | String | Max. 3999 bytes |
Sonstige Angaben | otherNote | String | Max. 3999 bytes |
Objektadresse veröffentlichen? * | showAddress | boolean | true,false |
Kontaktperson | contact id | String | Please add a reference to a contact person (contactID). Use the contact endpoint to create, read, update, or delete a contact resource. If this field is left empty, then we will use the default contact address. |
Vermarktungsart* | commercializationType | enum | RENT, BUY, LEASE, LEASEHOLD |
Empfohlene Nutzungsarten | recommendedUseTypes | enum | NO_INFORMATION (keineAngabe), FARMLAND (Ackerland), FUTURE_DEVELOPMENT_LAND (Bauerwartungsland), MOORAGE (Bootsstaende), OFFICE (Buero), CAMPING (Camping), BIG_STORE (Einzelhandel-gross), LITTLE_STORE (Einzelhandel-klein), GARAGE (Garagen), GARDEN (Garten), GASTRONOMY (Gastronomie), BUSINESS (Gewerbe), HOTEL (Hotel), INDUSTRY (Industrie), NO_DEVELOPMENT (keineBebauung), SMALL_BUSINESS (Kleingewerbe), STOCK (Lager), ORCHARD (Obstgarten), CAR_PARK (Parkhaus), PRODUCTION (Produktion), PARKING_SPACE (Stellplaetze), FORREST (Wald) |
Grundstückskategorie* | utilizationTradeSite | enum | LEISURE (Freizeit), AGRICULTURE_FORESTRY (LandForstwirtschaft), TRADE (Gewerbe) |
Heimfall nach... Jahren(Pachtdauer) | tenancy | int | 0 - 999 |
Preis* | value | double | 0 - 9999999999999.99. If "0" is entered, the object will be shown with "Preis auf Anfrage" (price on application) in the result list and expose |
Währung* | currency | enum | Euro |
Grundstücksfläche* | plotArea | double | 0 - 99999999.99 |
Teilbar Ab | minDivisible | double | 0 - 99999999,4999 |
Provisionspflichtig* | hasCourtage | enum | YES,NO,NOT_APPLICABLE |
Provisionsbetrag* | courtage | String | max. 100 characters. Only mandatory, if hasCourtage=true |
Provisionshinweis | courtageNote | String | Max. 500 characters |
Frei ab | freeFrom | String | Max. 50 characters |
Kurzfristig bebaubar | shortTermConstructible | boolean | true, false |
Baugenehmigung | buildingPermission | boolean | true, false |
Abriss | demolition | boolean | true, false |
Erschliessungszustand | siteDevelopmentType | enum | DEVELOPED (Erschlossen), DEVELOPED_PARTIALLY (Teilerschlossen), NOT_DEVELOPED (Unerschlossen), NO_INFORMATION (Unbekannt) |
Bebaubar nach | siteConstructibleType | enum | CONSTRUCTIONPLAN (Bebauung nach Bebauungsplan), NEIGHBOURCONSTRUCTION (Nachbarbebauung), EXTERNALAREA (Aussengebiet), NO_INFORMATION (Unbekannt) |
grz | grz | double | 0 - 9.99 |
gfz | gfz | double | 0 - 9.99 |
Multimedia Anhang "video" | - | In the REST API, the multimedia files are detached from the property. The property only contains a reference (ID) to the multimedia attachments. Use the Attachments web service for creating/modifying/calling/deleting images, videos, PDF, URLs. |
Multimedia Anhang "bild" | - | same as video | |
Objektveröffentlichung StatusVBM | entfällt | In the REST API there is a separate web service for object publication on the channels IS24, homepage, groups/exchanges. | |
Objektveröffentlichung StatusIS24 | own Webservice | ||
Objektveröffentlichung StatusHP | own Webservice | ||
Expose-Erstellungsdatum | creationDate | Datum | jjjj-mm-tt:hh:mm:ss is automatically generated |
Expose-Änderungsdatum | LastModificationDate | Datum | jjjj-mm-tt:hh:mm:ss is automatically generated |
Geokoordinaten (Breitengrad) | latitude | double | min. -90.0, max. 90.0 |
Geokoordinaten (Längengrad) | longitude | double | min. -180.0, max. 180.0 |
Zahlungsintervall | priceIntervalType | enum | DAY, WEEK, MONTH, YEAR, ONE_TIME_CHARGE |
Leaseintervall | leaseInterval | enum | MONTH, YEAR |
XML schema:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 |
Spezialgewerbe (specialPurpose)
Description | Field Name | Field Type | Allowed Values |
Anbieterobjektnummer | externalId | String | 50 characters. "/" and "\" are allowed |
Exposeüberschrift* | title | String | Max. 100 characters |
Straße* | street | String | Max. 100 characters |
Hausnummer* | houseNumber | String | Max. 10 characters |
PLZ* | postcode | String | Max. 5 characters |
Ort* | city | String | Max. 50 characters |
API-Suche-Felder | searchField1, 2, 3 | String | These fields can be used as search filters in the search REST API. Thus, you can define values yourself that are not available as a field in the object entry. Allowed values: 1-16 characters. Allowed values: [0-9 a-z A-Z]*. |
Objektgruppierung | groupNumber | int | Max. 10 digits, 0 - 2147483647 |
Objektbeschreibung | descriptionNote | String | Max. 3999 bytes |
Ausstattung | furnishingNote | String | Max. 3999 bytes |
Lage | locationNote | String | Max. 3999 bytes |
Sonstige Angaben | otherNote | String | Max. 3999 bytes |
Objektadresse veröffentlichen? * | showAddress | boolean | true,false |
Kontaktperson | contact id | String | Please add a reference to a contact person (contactID). Use the contact endpoint to create, read, update, or delete a contact resource. If this field is left empty, then we will use the default contact address. |
Immobilientyp* | specialPurposePropertyType | enum | RESIDENCE (Anwesen), FARM (Bauernhof), HORSE_FARM (Reiterhof), VINEYARD (Weingut), REPAIR_SHOP (Werkstatt), LEISURE_FACILITY (Freizeitanlage), INDUSTRIAL_AREA (Gewerbeflaeche), SPECIAL_ESTATE (Spezialobjekt), COMMERCIAL_CENTRE (Gewerbepark) |
Grundstücksfläche | plotArea | double | 0 - 99999999.99 |
Denkmalschutzobjekt | listed | enum | YES, NOT_APPLICABLE |
Aufzug | lift | enum | YES, NOT_APPLICABLE |
Keller | basement | enum | YES, NOT_APPLICABLE |
Bodenbelag | flooringType | enum | NO_INFORMATION (keineAngabe), CONCRETE (Beton), EPOXY_RESIN (Epoxidharz), TILES(Fliesen), PLANKS (Dielen), LAMINATE (Laminat), PARQUET (Parkett), PVC (PVC), CARPET (Teppichboden), ANTISTATIC_FLOOR (TeppichbodenAntistatisch), OFFICE_CARPET (TeppichfliesenStuhlrollenfest), STONE (Stein), CUSTOMIZABLE (NachWunsch), WITHOUT (OhneBodenbelag) |
Kaution | deposit | String | max. 50 characters |
Vermarktungsart* | commercializationType | enum | RENT, BUY, LEASE, LEASEHOLD |
Preis* | value | double | 0 - 9999999999999.99. If "0" is entered, the object will be shown with "Preis auf Anfrage" (price on application) in the result list and expose |
Währung* | currency | enum | Euro |
Preis gilt für Fläche/ Zeitraum * | marketingType | string | Has to be compatible to commercializationType! If commercializationType = "RENT", than RENT or RENT_PER_SQM. If "BUY", than "PURCHASE". |
Gesamtfläche* | totalFloorSpace | double | 0 - 99999999.99 |
Hauptfläche* | netFloorSpace | double | 0 - 99999999.99 |
Teilbar Ab | minDivisible | double | 0 - 99999999,4999 |
Provisionspflichtig* | hasCourtage | enum | YES,NO,NOT_APPLICABLE |
Provisionsbetrag* | courtage | String | max. 100 characters. Only mandatory, if hasCourtage=true |
Provisionshinweis | courtageNote | String | Max. 500 characters |
Fahrzeit zum nächsten Bahnhof | distanceToMRS | int | 0 - 99 |
Fahrzeit zur nächsten Autobahn | distanceToFM | int | 0 - 99 |
Laufzeit zum Öffentl. Personennahverkehr | distanceToPT | int | 0 - 99 |
Fahrzeit zum nächsten Flughafen | distanceToAirport | int | 0 - 99 |
Objektzustand | condition | enum | NO_INFORMATION (keine Angabe), FIRST_TIME_USE (Erstbezug), FIRST_TIME_USE_AFTER_REFURBISHMENT (Erstbezug nach Sanierung), MINT_CONDITION (Neuwertig), REFURBISHED (Saniert), MODERNIZED (Modernisiert), FULLY_RENOVATED (VollstaendigReonviert), WELL_KEPT (Gepflegt), NEED_OF_RENOVATION (Renovierungsbedürftig), NEGOTIABLE (NachVereinbarung), RIPE_FOR_DEMOLITION (Abbruchreif) |
Baujahr | constructionYear | int | 0 - 9999 (4 digits) Year of the building construction (year of readiness for occupancy; de: "bezugsfertig"). |
Baujahr unbekannt | constructionYearUnknown | boolean | If a constructionYear is provided, constructionYearUnknown=false will be assumed (regardless of the value given for constructionYearUnknown). |
Anzahl Parkplätze | numberOfParkingSpaces | int | 0 - 99999 |
Preis pro Parkfläche | parkingSpacePrice | double | 0 - 9999999999999.99 |
Letzte Modernisierung | lastRefurbishment | String | 1000 - 9999 |
Qualität der Ausstattung | interiorQuality | enum | NO_INFORMANTION (keine Angabe), LUXURY (luxus), SOPHISTICATED (gehoben), NORMAL, SIMPLE (einfach) |
Frei ab | freeFrom | String | Max. 50 characters |
Heizungsart | heatingType | enum | NO_INFORMATION (keine Angabe), SELF_CONTAINED_CENTRAL_HEATING (Etagenheizung), STOVE_HEATING (Ofenheizung), CENTRAL_HEATING (Zentralheizung)
For using the new enum fields: |
Befeuerungsarten | firingType | enum | NO_INFORMANTION (keine Angabe), GEOTHERMAL (Erdwärme), SOLAR_HEATING (Solarheizung), PELLET_HEATING (Pelletheizung), GAS, OIL (Öl), DISTRICT_HEATING (Fernwärme), ELECTRICITY (Strom), COAL (Kohle) |
Energieausweistyp | BuildingEnergyRatingType | enum | NO_INFORMATION (Keine Angabe), ENERGY_REQUIRED (Endenergiebedarf), ENERGY_CONSUMPTION (Energieverbrauchskennwert). Select the type of certificate for which you want to specify a characteristic value. An energy certificate is divided into final energy demand (demand-oriented certificate) and energy consumption characteristic value (consumption-oriented certificate). The demand-oriented energy certificate is based on the calculated demand of the building. The consumption-oriented certificate is based on the actual consumption of the users. When specifying the energy consumption characteristic value, please note whether the hot water consumption is included. |
Energieverbrauchskennwert | thermalCharacteristic | double | 0 - 9999.99. Please enter the "characteristic value" (numbers) of the property according to the selected "energy certificate type" in kWh/(m²*a). |
Energieverbrauch enthält Warmwasser | energyConsumptionContainsWarmWater | enum | YES, NOT_APPLICABLE. Please set this value only if your specified "characteristic value" is an "energy consumption characteristic value" and this contains the "energy consumption for hot water". |
Nebenfläche | additionalArea | double | 0 - 99999999.99 |
Anzahl Etagen | numberOfFloors | int | 0 - 999 |
Nebenkosten | additionalCosts | double | 0 - 9999999999999.99. Monthly service charges in addition to your basic rent for your property, such as garbage collection, house cleaning, janitorial costs, home insurance costs,... |
Multimedia Anhang "video" | - | In the REST API, the multimedia files are detached from the property. The property only contains a reference (ID) to the multimedia attachments. Use the Attachments web service for creating/modifying/calling/deleting images, videos, PDF, URLs. |
Multimedia Anhang "bild" | - | same as video | |
Objektveröffentlichung StatusVBM | entfällt | In the REST API there is a separate web service for object publication on the channels IS24, homepage, groups/exchanges. | |
Objektveröffentlichung StatusIS24 | own Webservice | ||
Objektveröffentlichung StatusHP | own Webservice | ||
Expose-Erstellungsdatum | creationDate | Datum | jjjj-mm-tt:hh:mm:ss is automatically generated |
Expose-Änderungsdatum | LastModificationDate | Datum | jjjj-mm-tt:hh:mm:ss is automatically generated |
Geokoordinaten (Breitengrad) | latitude | double | min. -90.0, max. 90.0 |
Geokoordinaten (Längengrad) | longitude | double | min. -180.0, max. 180.0 |
Zahlungsintervall | priceIntervalType | enum | DAY, WEEK, MONTH, YEAR, ONE_TIME_CHARGE |
XML schema:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 |
Sonstige (Miscellaneous)
Anlageimmobilie (investment)
Description | Field Name | Field Type | Allowed Values |
Anbieterobjektnummer | externalId | String | 50 characters. "/" and "\" are allowed |
Exposeüberschrift* | title | String | Max. 100 characters |
Straße* | street | String | Max. 100 characters |
Hausnummer* | houseNumber | String | Max. 10 characters |
PLZ* | postcode | String | Max. 5 characters |
Ort* | city | String | Max. 50 characters |
API-Suche-Felder | searchField1, 2, 3 | String | These fields can be used as search filters in the search REST API. Thus, you can define values yourself that are not available as a field in the object entry. Allowed values: 1-16 characters. Allowed values: [0-9 a-z A-Z]*. |
Objektgruppierung | groupNumber | int | Max. 10 digits, 0 - 2147483647 |
Objektbeschreibung | descriptionNote | String | Max. 3999 bytes |
Ausstattung | furnishingNote | String | Max. 3999 bytes |
Lage | locationNote | String | Max. 3999 bytes |
Sonstige Angaben | otherNote | String | Max. 3999 bytes |
Objektadresse veröffentlichen? * | showAddress | boolean | true,false |
Kontaktperson | contact id | String | Please add a reference to a contact person (contactID). Use the contact endpoint to create, read, update, or delete a contact resource. If this field is left empty, then we will use the default contact address. |
Kaufpreis* | value | double | 0 - 9999999999999.99 |
Währung* | currency | enum | Euro |
Gewerbefläche | industrialArea | double | 0 - 99999999.99 |
Grundstücksfläche | plotArea | double | 0 - 99999999.99 |
Vermietbare Fläche* | netFloorSpace | double | 0 - 99999999.99 |
Anlagetyp* | investmentType | enum | SINGLE_FAMILY_HOUSE (Einfamilienhaus), MULTI_FAMILY_HOUSE (Mehrfamilienhaus), FREEHOLD_FLAT (Eigentumswohnung), SHOPPING_CENTRE (Einkaufszentrum), RESTAURANT (Restaurant), HOTEL (Hotel), LEISURE_FACILITY (Freizeitanlage), COMMERCIAL_UNIT (Gewerbeeinheit), OFFICE_BUILDING (Bürogebäude), COMMERCIAL_BUILDING, COMMERCIAL_PROPERTY, HALL_STORAGE (Halle/Lager), INDUSTRIAL_PROPERTY (Industrieanwesen), SHOP_SALES_FLOOR (Laden/Verkaufsfläche), SERVICE_CENTRE (Servicecenter), OTHER (Sonstige), SUPERMARKET (Supermarkt), LIVING_BUSINESS_HOUSE (Wohn/Geschäftshaus), HOUSING_ESTATE (Wohnanlage) |
Provisionspflichtig* | hasCourtage | enum | YES,NO,NOT_APPLICABLE |
Provisionsbetrag* | courtage | String | max. 100 characters. Only mandatory, if hasCourtage=true |
Provisionshinweis | courtageNote | String | Max. 500 characters |
Gesamtfläche | totalFloorSpace | double | 0 - 99999999.99 |
Wohnfläche | livingSpace | double | 0 - 99999999.99 |
Preis pro qm² | pricePerSQM | price | 0 - 9999999999999.99 |
x-fache Mieteinnahmen | priceMultiplier | double | 0 - 99,9 |
Mieteinnahmen Ist | rentalIncomeActual | price | 0 - 9999999999999.99 |
Mieteinnahmen Soll | rentalIncomeTarget | price | 0 - 9999999999999.99 |
Nicht umlegbare Kosten | otherCosts | price | 0 - 9999999999999.99 |
Denkmalschutzobjekt | listed | enum | YES, NOT_APPLICABLE |
Aufzug | lift | enum | YES, NOT_APPLICABLE |
Fahrzeit zum nächsten Bahnhof | distanceToMRS | int | 0 - 99 |
Fahrzeit zur nächsten Autobahn | distanceToFM | int | 0 - 99 |
Laufzeit zum Öffentl. Personennahverkehr | distanceToPT | int | 0 - 99 |
Fahrzeit zum nächsten Flughafen | distanceToAirport | int | 0 - 99 |
Objektzustand | condition | enum | NO_INFORMATION (keine Angabe), FIRST_TIME_USE (Erstbezug), FIRST_TIME_USE_AFTER_REFURBISHMENT (Erstbezug nach Sanierung), MINT_CONDITION (Neuwertig), REFURBISHED (Saniert), MODERNIZED (Modernisiert), FULLY_RENOVATED (VollstaendigReonviert), WELL_KEPT (Gepflegt), NEED_OF_RENOVATION (Renovierungsbedürftig), NEGOTIABLE (NachVereinbarung), RIPE_FOR_DEMOLITION (Abbruchreif) |
Baujahr | constructionYear | int | 0 - 9999 (4 digits) Year of the building construction (year of readiness for occupancy; de: "bezugsfertig"). |
Baujahr unbekannt | constructionYearUnknown | boolean | If a constructionYear is provided, constructionYearUnknown=false will be assumed (regardless of the value given for constructionYearUnknown). |
Letzte Modernisierung | lastRefurbishment | String | 1000 - 9999 |
Qualität der Ausstattung | interiorQuality | enum | NO_INFORMANTION (keine Angabe), LUXURY (luxus), SOPHISTICATED (gehoben), NORMAL, SIMPLE (einfach) |
Frei ab | freeFrom | String | Max. 50 characters |
Heizungsart | heatingType | enum | NO_INFORMATION (keine Angabe), SELF_CONTAINED_CENTRAL_HEATING (Etagenheizung), STOVE_HEATING (Ofenheizung), CENTRAL_HEATING (Zentralheizung)
For using the new enum fields: |
Befeuerungsarten | firingType | enum | NO_INFORMANTION (keine Angabe), GEOTHERMAL (Erdwärme), SOLAR_HEATING (Solarheizung), PELLET_HEATING (Pelletheizung), GAS, OIL (Öl), DISTRICT_HEATING (Fernwärme), ELECTRICITY (Strom), COAL (Kohle) |
Energieausweistyp | BuildingEnergyRatingType | enum | NO_INFORMATION (Keine Angabe), ENERGY_REQUIRED (Endener giebedarf), ENERGY_CONSUMPTION (Energieverbrauchskennwert). Select the type of certificate for which you want to specify a characteristic value. An energy certificate is divided into final energy demand (demand-oriented certificate) and energy consumption characteristic value (consumption-oriented certificate). The demand-oriented energy certificate is based on the calculated demand of the building. The consumption-oriented certificate is based on the actual consumption of the users. When specifying the energy consumption characteristic value, please note whether the hot water consumption is included. |
Energieverbrauchskennwert | thermalCharacteristic | double | 0 - 9999.99. Please enter the "characteristic value" (numbers) of the property according to the selected "energy certificate type" in kWh/(m²*a). |
Energieverbrauch enthält Warmwasser | energyConsumptionContainsWarmWater | enum | YES, NOT_APPLICABLE. Please set this value only if your specified "characteristic value" is an "energy consumption characteristic value" and this contains the "energy consumption for hot water". |
Sonstige Fläche | additionalArea | double | 0 - 99999999.99 |
Anzahl Etagen | numberOfFloors | int | 0 - 999 |
Betriebskosten | additionalCosts | price | 0 - 9999999999999.99 |
Multimedia Anhang "video" | - | In the REST API, the multimedia files are detached from the property. The property only contains a reference (ID) to the multimedia attachments. Use the Attachments web service for creating/modifying/calling/deleting images, videos, PDF, URLs. |
Multimedia Anhang "bild" | - | same as video | |
Objektveröffentlichung StatusVBM | entfällt | In the REST API there is a separate web service for object publication on the channels IS24, homepage, groups/exchanges. | |
Objektveröffentlichung StatusIS24 | own Webservice | ||
Objektveröffentlichung StatusHP | own Webservice | ||
Expose-Erstellungsdatum | creationDate | Datum | jjjj-mm-tt:hh:mm:ss is automatically generated |
Expose-Änderungsdatum | LastModificationDate | Datum | jjjj-mm-tt:hh:mm:ss is automatically generated |
Geokoordinaten (Breitengrad) | latitude | double | min. -90.0, max. 90.0 |
Geokoordinaten (Längengrad) | longitude | double | min. -180.0, max. 180.0 |
Energieausweis | energyPerformanceCertificate | boolean | true, false |
Zahlungsintervall | priceIntervalType | enum | DAY, WEEK, MONTH, YEAR, ONE_TIME_CHARGE |
XML schema:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 |
WG-Zimmer (flatShareRoom)
Description | Field Name | Field Type | Allowed Values |
Anbieterobjektnummer* | externalId | String | 50 characters. "/" and "\" are allowed |
Exposeüberschrift* | title | String | Max. 100 characters |
Straße* | street | String | Max. 100 characters |
Hausnummer* | houseNumber | String | Max. 10 characters |
PLZ* | postcode | String | Max. 5 characters |
Ort* | city | String | Max. 50 characters |
Objektadresse veröffentlichen? * | showAddress | boolean | true,false |
Zimmerfläche * | roomSize | double | 0 - 99999999.99 |
Bodenbelag | Bodenbelag | enum | NO_INFORMATION keine Angabe, CONCRETE Beton, EPOXY_RESIN Epoxydharzboden, TILES Fliesen, PLANKS Dielen, LAMINATE Laminat, PARQUET Parkett, PVC, CARPET Teppichboden, ANTISTATIC_FLOOR antistatischer Teppichboden, OFFICE_CARPET stuhlrollenfeste Teppichfliesen, STONE Stein, CUSTOMIZABLE nach Mieterwunsch, WITHOUT ohne Bodenbelag |
Anzahl Räume | numberOfRooms | double | Min. 0 |
Wohnungstyp | apartmentType | enum | ROOF_STOREY Dachgeschoss, LOFT, MAISONETTE Maisonette, PENTHOUSE Penthouse, TERRACED_FLAT Terrassenwohnung, GROUND_FLOOR Erdgeschosswohnung, APARTMENT Etagenwohnung, RAISED_GROUND_FLOOR Hochparterre, HALF_BASEMENT Souterrain, OTHER Sonstige, NO_INFORMATION Keine Angabe (wird zusammen mit OTHER verwendet) |
Keller verfügbar | cellar | enum | YES, NO |
Benutze heatingTypeEnev2014 Heizungsart | heatingType | enum | NO_INFORMATION Keine Angabe, SELF_CONTAINED_CENTRAL_HEATING Etagenheizung, STOVE_HEATING Ofenheizung, CENTRAL_HEATING Zentralheizung |
Heizungsart | heatingTypeEnev2014 | enum | NO_INFORMATION Keine Angabe, SELF_CONTAINED_CENTRAL_HEATING Etagenheizung, STOVE_HEATING Ofenheizung, CENTRAL_HEATING Zentralheizung, COMBINED_HEAT_AND_POWER_PLANT Blockheizkraftwerk, ELECTRIC_HEATING Elektro-Heizung, DISTRICT_HEATING Fernwärmedampf, FLOOR_HEATING Fußbodenheizung, GAS_HEATING Gas-Heizung, WOOD_PELLET_HEATING Holz-Pelletheizung, NIGHT_STORAGE_HEATER Nachtspeicherofen, OIL_HEATING Ölheizung, SOLAR_HEATING Solar-Heizung, HEAT_PUMP Wärmepumpe |
Barrierefrei | barrierFree | enum | YES,NO |
Provisionselemente * | courtage | String | Max. 1900 characters |
Energieausweis | energyCertificate | - | - |
Wesentliche Energieträger | energySourcesEnev2014 | - | - |
Energieausweistyp | buildingEnergyRatingType | enum | NO_INFORMATION Keine Angabe, ENERGY_REQUIRED Endenergiebedarf, ENERGY_CONSUMPTION Energieverbrauchskennwert |
Energieverbrauchskennwert | thermalCharacteristic | double | Min. 0 - Max. 9999.99 |
Energieverbrauch für Warmwasser enthalten | energyConsumptionContainsWarmWater | enum | YES,NO |
Baujahr | constructionYear | int | 0 - 9999 (4 digits) Year of the building construction (year of readiness for occupancy; de: "bezugsfertig"). |
Baujahr unbekannt | constructionYearUnknown | boolean | If a constructionYear is provided, constructionYearUnknown=false will be assumed (regardless of the value given for constructionYearUnknown). |
Kaltmiete * | baseRent | double | Min. 0 - Max. 9999.99 |
Warmmiete | totalRent | double | Min. 0 - Max. 9999.99 |
Nebenkosten | serviceCharge | double | Min. 0 - Max. 9999.99 |
Kaution | deposit | String | Max. 50 characters |
Heizungskosten | heatingCosts | double | Min. 0 - Max. 9999.99 |
Heizkosten in Nebenkosten enthalten | heatingCostsInServiceCharge | enum | Yes,No |
Warmmiete | calculatedTotalRent | double | Min. 0 - Max. 9999.99 |
Berechnungsdetails der Warmmiete | calculatedTotalRentScope | enum | NET_RENT Netto Kaltmiete ohne irgendwelche Betriebskosten, GROSS_RENT Netto Kaltmiete plus Betriebskosten Kalt, INCONSISTENT_WARM_RENT Netto Kaltmiete plus Betriebskosten Kalt und Warm, mit Inkonsistenzen, WARM_RENT Netto Kaltmiete plus Betriebskosten Kalt und Warm |
Verfügbar ab | freeFrom | Date | Datum (YYYY-MM-DD) |
Verfügbar bis | freeUntil | Date | Datum (YYYY-MM-DD) |
Mindest Mietdauer in Monaten | minimumTermOfLease | int | Min. 0 |
Gesamtfläche | totalSpace | double | 0 - 999.99 |
Anzahl der männlichen Mitbewohner | numberOfMaleFlatMates | int | Min. 0 |
Anzahl der weiblichen Mitbewohner | numberOfFemaleFlatMates | int | Min. 0 |
Alter Mitbewohner von | ageOfFlatMatesFrom | int | Min. 0 |
Alter Mitbewohner bis | ageOfFlatMatesTo | int | Min. 0 |
Alter gesuchter Mitbewohner von | ageOfRequestedFrom | int | Min. 0 |
Alter gesuchter Mitbewohner bis | ageOfRequestedTo | int | Min. 0 |
Anzahl gesuchter Mitbewohner | numberOfRequestedFlatMates | int | Min. 0 |
Etage in der sich die WG befindet | floor | int | Min. -1 |
Anzahl Etagen | numberOfFloors | int | Min. 0 |
Anzahl Badezimmer | numberOfBathRooms | int | Min. 0 |
Balkon | balcony | enum | Yes, NOT_APPLICABLE |
Garten | garden | enum | Yes, NOT_APPLICABLE |
Aufzug | lift | enum | Yes, NOT_APPLICABLE |
Backofen | oven | enum | Yes, NOT_APPLICABLE |
Kühlschrank | refrigerator | enum | Yes, NOT_APPLICABLE |
Herd | stove | enum | Yes, NOT_APPLICABLE |
Spülmaschine | dishwasher | enum | Yes, NOT_APPLICABLE |
Waschmaschine | washingMachine | enum | Yes, NOT_APPLICABLE |
Bad enthält ein Klo | bathHasWc | enum | Yes, NOT_APPLICABLE |
Bad enthält eine Dusche | bathHasShower | enum | Yes, NOT_APPLICABLE |
Bad enthält eine Badewanne | bathHasTub | enum | Yes, NOT_APPLICABLE |
Gästeklo | guestToilet | enum | Yes, NOT_APPLICABLE |
Haustiere erlaubt * | petsAllowed | enum | NO_INFORMATION Keine Angabe, NEGOTIABLE Nach Vereinbarung, YES Ja, NO Nein |
Art des Internetanschlusses * | internetConnection | enum | NO_INFORMATION, DSL, DSL_FLATRATE |
Rauchen erlaubt * | smokingAllowed | enum | NO_INFORMATION, ALLOWED Erlaubt, UNWANTED Unerwünscht, OWN_ROOM_ONLY Nur im eigenem Zimmer |
Geschlecht des gesuchten Mitbewohners * | requestedGender | enum | MALE_OR_FEMALE Männlich oder weiblich, MALE Männlich, FEMALE Weiblich |
Art der Möblierung * | furnishing | enum | Yes, No |
Art des Fernsehanschlusses * | tvConnection | enum | NO_INFORMATION Keine Angabe, CABLE Kabel, SATELLITE Satellit, CABLE_AND_SATELLITE Kabel und Satellit |
Art des Telefonanschlusses * | telephoneConnection | enum | NO_INFORMATION Keine Angabe, ANALOG Analog, ISDN, NOT_AVAILABLE nicht verfügbar |
Parktplatzsituation * | parkingSituation | enum | NO_INFORMATION Keine Angabe, GOOD Gut, BAD schlecht, RESIDENT_PARKING Anwohnerparkplatz verfügbar, OWN_PARKING_SPACE eigener Parkplatz verfügbar |
WG-Größe (11 bedeutet alle WGs die größer als 10 sind!) * | flatShareSize | int | Min. 2 - Max. 11 |
XML schema:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 |
Typenhaus (houseType)
Description | Field Name | Field Type | Allowed Values |
Anbieterobjektnummer | externalId | String | 50 characters. "/" and "\" are allowed |
Exposeüberschrift* | title | String | Max. 100 characters |
Straße* | street | String | Max. 100 characters |
Hausnummer* | houseNumber | String | Max. 10 characters |
PLZ* | postcode | String | Max. 5 characters |
Ort* | city | String | Max. 50 characters |
API-Suche-Felder | searchField1, 2, 3 | String | These fields can be used as search filters in the search REST API. Thus, you can define values yourself that are not available as a field in the object entry. Allowed values: 1-16 characters. Allowed values: [0-9 a-z A-Z]*. |
Objektgruppierung | groupNumber | int | Max. 10 digits, 0 - 2147483647 |
Objektbeschreibung | descriptionNote | String | Max. 3999 bytes |
Ausstattung | furnishingNote | String | Max. 3999 bytes |
Lage | locationNote | String | Max. 3999 bytes |
Sonstige Angaben | otherNote | String | Max. 3999 bytes |
Objektadresse veröffentlichen? * | showAddress | boolean | true,false |
Kontaktperson | contact id | String | Please add a reference to a contact person (contactID). Use the contact endpoint to create, read, update, or delete a contact resource. If this field is left empty, then we will use the default contact address. |
Kaufpreis* | value | double | 0 - 9999999999999.99 |
Währung* | currency | enum | Euro |
Zahlungsintervall* | priceIntervalType | enum | DAY, WEEK, MONTH, YEAR, ONE_TIME_CHARGE |
Wohnfläche* | livingSpace | double | 0 - 99999999.99 |
Gesamtfläche | totalArea | double | 0 - 99999999.99 |
Anzahl der Zimmer | numberofRooms | double | 1 - 999.99 |
Provisionspflichtig* | hasCourtage | enum | YES,NO,NOT_APPLICABLE |
Provisionsbetrag* | courtage | String | max. 100 characters. Only mandatory, if hasCourtage=true |
Provisionshinweis | courtageNote | String | Max. 500 characters |
Bauweise | constructionMethod | enum | UNSPECIFIED (nicht geneuer genannt), PREFABRICATED (vorgefertigt), WOOD_PREFABRICATED (Holzvorgefertigt), SOLID (solide), SOLID_PREFABRICATED (solide vorgefertigt) |
Haustyp* | buildingType | enum | NO_INFORMATION (keine Angabe), BLOCKHOUSE (Blockhaus), BUNGALOW (Bungalow), SEMI_DETACHED_HOUSE (Doppelhaushälfte), ONE_FAMILY_HOUSE (Einfamilienhaus), FAMILY_HOUSE_WITH_LODGER_FLAT (Einfamilienhaus mit Einliegerwohnung), TUDOR_HOUSE (), WOODEN_HOUSE (Holzhaus), COUNTRY_HOUSE (Landhaus), APARTMENT_BUILDING (Mehrfamilienhaus), NON_DETACHED_HOUSE, CITY_VILLA (Stadtvilla), VILLA (Villa), SEMI_DETACHED_HOUSE_PAIR (Reihenhaus) |
Ausbaustufe | stageOfCompletionType | enum | UNSPECIFIED (nicht genauer genannt), CONSTRUCTIONKIT (Bausatzhaus), UPGRADING (Ausbauhaus), TURNKEYWITHCELLAR (SchluesselfertigMitKeller), TURNKEYWITHOUTFLOORSLAP (SchluesselfertigOhneBodenplatte), TURNKEYWITHFLOORSLAP (SchluesselfertigMitBodenplatte) |
Energiestandard | energyStandardType | enum | UNSPECIFIED (KeineAngabe), LOW_ENERGY_40 (NiedrigenergiehausKfW40), LOW_ENERGY_60 (NiedriegenergiehausKfW60), PASSIVE_HOUSE (Passivhaus), ENERGY_EFFICIENT_40, ENERGY_EFFICIENT_55, ENERGY_EFFICIENT_70, LOW_ENERGY_HOUSE, NULL_ENERGY_HOUSE, PLUS_ENERGY_HOUSE |
U-Wert | uValue | double | 0 - 9.99 |
Haustypinfo | typeInformationNote | String | Max. 2000 Zeichen |
Baureihe | modelInformationNote | String | Max. 2000 Zeichen |
Preis Pro Bauleistung | constructionPriceInformationNote | String | Max. 2000 Zeichen |
Wohngeschossinfo | floorInformationNote | String | Max. 2000 Zeichen |
Dachform | roofInformationNote | String | Max. 2000 Zeichen |
Multimedia Anhang "video" | - | In the REST API, the multimedia files are detached from the property. The property only contains a reference (ID) to the multimedia attachments. Use the Attachments web service for creating/modifying/calling/deleting images, videos, PDF, URLs. |
Multimedia Anhang "bild" | - | same as video | |
Objektveröffentlichung StatusVBM | entfällt | In the REST API there is a separate web service for object publication on the channels IS24, homepage, groups/exchanges. | |
Objektveröffentlichung StatusIS24 | own Webservice | ||
Objektveröffentlichung StatusHP | own Webservice | ||
Expose-Erstellungsdatum | creationDate | Datum | jjjj-mm-tt:hh:mm:ss is automatically generated |
Expose-Änderungsdatum | LastModificationDate | Datum | jjjj-mm-tt:hh:mm:ss is automatically generated |
XML schema:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 |
Zwangsversteigerung (compulsoryAuction)
Description | Field Name | Field Type | Allowed Values |
Anbieterobjektnummer | externalId | String | 50 characters. "/" and "\" are allowed |
Exposeüberschrift* | title | String | Max. 100 characters |
Straße* | street | String | Max. 100 characters |
Hausnummer* | houseNumber | String | Max. 10 characters |
PLZ* | postcode | String | Max. 5 characters |
Ort* | city | String | Max. 50 characters |
API-Suche-Felder | searchField1, 2, 3 | String | These fields can be used as search filters in the search REST API. Thus, you can define values yourself that are not available as a field in the object entry. Allowed values: 1-16 characters. Allowed values: [0-9 a-z A-Z]*. |
Objektgruppierung | groupNumber | int | Max. 10 digits, 0 - 2147483647 |
Objektbeschreibung | descriptionNote | String | Max. 3999 bytes |
Ausstattung | furnishingNote | String | Max. 3999 bytes |
Lage | locationNote | String | Max. 3999 bytes |
Sonstige Angaben | otherNote | String | Max. 3999 bytes |
Objektadresse veröffentlichen? * | showAddress | boolean | true,false |
Kontaktperson | contact id | String | Please add a reference to a contact person (contactID). Use the contact endpoint to create, read, update, or delete a contact resource. If this field is left empty, then we will use the default contact address. |
Marktpreis* | marketValue | price | 0 - 9999999999999.99 |
Mindestgebot | lowestBid | price | 0 - 9999999999999.99 [Attention: This is a pure "read only" value (read field) i.e. a possibly transmitted value is ignored when creating/editing! We always output 50% of the market price]. |
Wiederholungstermin | recurrenceAppointment | boolean | true,false |
Versteigerungstermin* | dateOfAuction | date | jjjj-mm-tt |
Datum der letzten Änderung | lastChangeDate | date | jjjj-mm-tt |
Aufhebungsdatum | cancellationDate | date | jjjj-mm-tt |
Erfassungsdatum | recordationDate | date | jjjj-mm-tt |
Fläche* | area | double | 0 - 99999999.99 |
Objekttyp* | auctionObjectType | enum | FREEHOLD_FLAT (Eigentumswohnung), FAMILY_HOUSE (Ein/Mehrfamilienhaus), BUSINESS_AND_YIELD (Gewerbe/Anlage), LOT (Grundstueck), GARAGE_AND_OTHER (Garage/Sonstige) |
Baujahr | constructionYear | int | 0 - 9999 (4 digits) Year of the building construction (year of readiness for occupancy; de: "bezugsfertig"). |
Baujahr unbekannt | constructionYearUnknown | boolean | If a constructionYear is provided, constructionYearUnknown=false will be assumed (regardless of the value given for constructionYearUnknown). |
Amtsgericht | countyCourt | String | - |
Aktenzeichen | fileReferenceAtCountyCourt | String | - |
Grundbuchsblatt-Nummer | number of folio | String | - |
Teilversteigerung | splittingAuction | boolean | true, false |
Eigentümer | owner | String | - |
Geokoordinaten (Breitengrad) | latitude | double | min. -90.0, max. 90.0 |
Geokoordinaten (Längengrad) | longitude | double | min. -180.0, max. 180.0 |
Energieausweis | energyPerformanceCertificate | boolean | true, false |
Expose-Erstellungsdatum | creationDate | Datum | jjjj-mm-tt:hh:mm:ss wird automatisch generiert |
Expose-Änderungsdatum | LastModificationDate | Datum | jjjj-mm-tt:hh:mm:ss wird automatisch generiert |
Zahlungsintervall | priceIntervalType | enum | DAY, WEEK, MONTH, YEAR, ONE_TIME_CHARGE |
Keller | cellar | enum | YES, NOT_APPLICABLE |
Zimmerzahl | numberOfRooms | double | 1 - 999.99 |
Balkon/Terrasse | balcony | enum | YES, NOT_APPLICABLE |
Einbauküche | builtInKitchen | enum | YES, NOT_APPLICABLE |
Gäste-WC | guestToilet | enum | YES, NOT_APPLICABLE |
Letzte Modernisierung | lastRefurbishment | int | 1000 - 9999 |
Anzahl Badezimmer | numberOfBathRooms | int | 0 - 99 |
Anzahl Etagen | numberOfFloors | int | 0 - 999 |
Anzahl Garagen/ Stellplätze | numberOfParkingSpaces | int | 0 - 99999 |
Garage/ Stellplatz-Miete | parkingSpacePrice | double | 0 - 9999999999999.99 |
Parkplatz | parkingSpaceType | enum | NO_INFORMATION (keine Angabe), GARAGE (Garage), OUTSIDE (Außenstellplatz), CARPORT (Carport), DUPLEX (Duplex), CAR_PARK (Parkhaus), UNDERGROUND_GARAGE (Tiefgarage) |
Etage | floor | int | -1 - 999 |
XML schema:
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Betreutes Wohnen (assistedLiving)
Description | Field Name | Field Type | Allowed Values |
Anbieterobjektnummer | externalId | String | 50 characters. "/" and "\" are allowed |
Geokoordinaten (Breitengrad) | latitude | double | min. -90.0, max. 90.0 |
Geokoordinaten (Längengrad) | longitude | double | min. -180.0, max. 180.0 |
Expose-Erstellungsdatum | creationDate | Datum | jjjj-mm-tt:hh:mm:ss wird automatisch generiert |
Expose-Änderungsdatum | LastModificationDate | Datum | jjjj-mm-tt:hh:mm:ss wird automatisch generiert |
Exposeüberschrift* | title | String | Max. 100 characters |
Straße* | street | String | Max. 100 characters |
Hausnummer* | houseNumber | String | Max. 10 characters |
PLZ* | postcode | String | Max. 5 characters |
Ort* | city | String | Max. 50 characters |
API-Suche-Felder | searchField1, 2, 3 | String | DThese fields can be used as search filters in the search REST API. Thus, you can define values yourself that are not available as a field in the object entry. Allowed values: 1-16 characters. Allowed values: [0-9 a-z A-Z]*. |
Objektgruppierung | groupNumber | int | Max. 10 digits, 0 - 2147483647 |
Objektbeschreibung | descriptionNote | String | Max. 3999 bytes |
Ausstattung | furnishingNote | String | Max. 3999 bytes |
Lage | locationNote | String | Max. 3999 bytes |
Sonstige Angaben | otherNote | String | Max. 3999 bytes |
Objektadresse veröffentlichen? * | showAddress | boolean | true,false |
Kontaktperson | contact id | String | Please add a reference to a contact person (contactID). Use the contact endpoint to create, read, update, or delete a contact resource. If this field is left empty, then we will use the default contact address. |
Kurzbeschreibung | shortDescription | String | Max. 260 Zeichen |
Haustiere* | petsAllowed | enum | NO_INFORMATION, YES, NO, NEGOTIABLE |
Baujahr | constructionYear | int | 0 - 9999 (4 digits) Year of the building construction (year of readiness for occupancy; de: "bezugsfertig"). |
Baujahr unbekannt | constructionYearUnknown | boolean | If a constructionYear is provided, constructionYearUnknown=false will be assumed (regardless of the value given for constructionYearUnknown). |
Probewohnen möglich* | trialLivingPossible | enum | YES, NOT_APPLICABLE |
Vermarktungsart* | marketingType | enum | PURCHASE, RENT, RENT_AND_BUY |
Einrichtungstyp* | facilityType | enum | ASSISTED_LIVING, RESIDENCE, SENIOR_PARK |
Mietpreis ab* | minBaseRent | double | 0 - 9999999999999.99 |
Kaufpreis ab | minPurchasePrice | double | 0 - 9999999999999.99 |
Zimmer von... | roomAvailableFrom | double | 0 - 99 |
Zimmer bis... | roomAvailableTo | double | 0 - 99 |
eigene Kochmöglichkeit | cookingPossibility | enum | YES, NOT_APPLICABLE |
Parkmöglichkeit | parkingAvailable | enum | YES, NOT_APPLICABLE |
Gemeinschaftsräume vorhanden | commonRoomsAvailable | enum | YES, NOT_APPLICABLE |
Garten | gardenAvailable | enum | YES, NOT_APPLICABLE |
Fittnessraum | fitnessAvailable | enum | YES, NOT_APPLICABLE |
Schwimmbad | poolAvailable | enum | YES, NOT_APPLICABLE |
öffentl. Verkehrsmittel fußläufig erreichbar | publicTransportationAvailable | enum | YES, NOT_APPLICABLE |
Ambulanter Pflegedienst | ambulantNursingServiceAvailable | enum | YES, NOT_APPLICABLE |
Bewohnernotruf im Zimmer | emergencyCallInRoomAvailable | enum | YES, NOT_APPLICABLE |
Durchgehend besetzter Empfang | receptionManned | enum | YES, NOT_APPLICABLE |
Medizinische Betreuung vor Ort | medicalAssistanceAvailable | enum | YES, NOT_APPLICABLE |
Haushaltshilfen | homeHelpAvailable | enum | YES, NOT_APPLICABLE |
Seelsorgische Betreuung | counselingAvailable | enum | YES, NOT_APPLICABLE |
Wohndarlehen | loansAvailable | enum | YES, NOT_APPLICABLE |
Barrierefrei | barrierFree | enum | YES, NOT_APPLICABLE |
Anzahl Wohnungen / Apartments | numberOfLookedAfterApartments | int | 0 - 9999 |
Anzahl Pflegeplätze | numberOfNursingPlaces | int | 0 - 9999 |
Wohnfläche von ... | livingSpaceFrom | double | 0 - 99999,9 |
Wohnfläche bis ... | livingSpaceTo | double | 0 - 99999,9 |
Behindertengerecht | handicappedAccessible | enum | YES, NOT_APPLICABLE |
Gästeappartments | guestApartmentsAvailable | enum | YES, NOT_APPLICABLE |
Restaurant | restaurantAvailable | enum | YES, NOT_APPLICABLE |
Mitnahme eigener Möbel möglich | ownFurniturePossible | enum | YES, NOT_APPLICABLE |
Reinigungsservice | cleaningServiceAvailable | enum | YES, NOT_APPLICABLE |
Einkaufsmöglichkeiten | shoppingFacilitiesAvailable | enum | YES, NOT_APPLICABLE |
24 h Sicherheit | security24Hours | enum | YES, NOT_APPLICABLE |
Kulturangebot | culturalProgramAvailable | enum | YES, NOT_APPLICABLE |
Freizeitaktivitäten | leisureActivitiesAvailable | enum | YES, NOT_APPLICABLE |
Religiöse Angebote | religiousOfferingsAvailable | enum | YES, NOT_APPLICABLE |
Balkon | balconyAvailable | enum | YES, NOT_APPLICABLE |
Multimedia Anhang "video" | - | In the REST API, the multimedia files are detached from the property. The property only contains a reference (ID) to the multimedia attachments. Use the Attachments web service for creating/modifying/calling/deleting images, videos, PDF, URLs. |
Multimedia Anhang "bild" | - | same as video | |
Objektveröffentlichung StatusVBM | entfällt | In the REST API there is a separate web service for object publication on the channels IS24, homepage, groups/exchanges. | |
Objektveröffentlichung StatusIS24 | own Webservice | ||
Objektveröffentlichung StatusHP | own Webservice |
XML schema:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 |
Altenpflegeeinrichtungen (seniorCare)
Description | Field Name | Field Type | Allowed Values |
Anbieterobjektnummer | externalId | String | 50 characters. "/" and "\" are allowed |
Geokoordinaten (Breitengrad) | latitude | double | min. -90.0, max. 90.0 |
Geokoordinaten (Längengrad) | longitude | double | min. -180.0, max. 180.0 |
Expose-Erstellungsdatum | creationDate | Datum | jjjj-mm-tt:hh:mm:ss (automatically generated) |
Expose-Änderungsdatum | LastModificationDate | Datum | jjjj-mm-tt:hh:mm:ss (automatically generated) |
Exposeüberschrift* | title | String | Max. 100 characters |
Straße* | street | String | Max. 100 characters |
Hausnummer* | houseNumber | String | Max. 10 characters |
PLZ* | postcode | String | Max. 5 characters |
Ort* | city | String | Max. 50 characters |
API-Suche-Felder | searchField1, 2, 3 | String | These fields can be used as search filters in the search REST API. Thus, you can define values yourself that are not available as a field in the object entry. Allowed values: 1-16 characters. Allowed values: [0-9 a-z A-Z]*. |
Objektgruppierung | groupNumber | int | Max. 10 digits, 0 - 2147483647 |
Objektbeschreibung | descriptionNote | String | Max. 3999 bytes |
Ausstattung | furnishingNote | String | Max. 3999 bytes |
Lage | locationNote | String | Max. 3999 bytes |
Sonstige Angaben | otherNote | String | Max. 3999 bytes |
Objektadresse veröffentlichen? * | showAddress | boolean | true,false |
Kontaktperson | contact id | String | Please add a reference to a contact person (contactID). Use the contact endpoint to create, read, update, or delete a contact resource. If this field is left empty, then we will use the default contact address. |
Kurzbeschreibung | shortDescription | String | Max. 260 Zeichen |
Haustiere* | petsAllowed | enum | NO_INFORMATION, YES, NO, NEGOTIABLE |
Probewohnen möglich* | trialLivingPossible | enum | YES, NOT_APPLICABLE |
Pflegeplatztyp* | careTypes | enum | STATIONARY_CARE (Vollstationäre Pflege), DAY_CARE (Tagespflege), SHORT_TERM_CARE (Kurzzeitpflege), RESPITE_CARE (Verhinderungspflege) |
Pflegestufe* | careLevel | enum | CARE_LEVEL_1 (Pflegestufe 1), CARE_LEVEL_2 (Pflegestufe 2), CARE_LEVEL_3 (Pflegestufe 3), CARE_LEVEL_1_AND_2 (Pflegestufe 1 und 2), CARE_LEVEL_2_AND_3 (Pflegestufe 2 und 3), ALL (Alle Pflegestufen) |
Preis | price | double | 0 - 9999999999999.99 |
Anzahl Betten | numberOfBeds | int | 0 - 9999 |
Eröffnung / Bezug | opening | date | jjjj-mm-tt |
Pflege Demenzkranker | careOfDementia | enum | YES, NOT_APPLICABLE |
Pflege Beatmungspflichtiger Menschen | careOfArtificialRespiration | enum | YES, NOT_APPLICABLE |
Pflege von Wachkomapatienten | careOfComaVigil | enum | YES, NOT_APPLICABLE |
Pflege von Schlaganfallpatienten | careOfStroke | enum | YES, NOT_APPLICABLE |
Pflege Parkinsonsche Krankheit | careOfParkinson | enum | YES, NOT_APPLICABLE |
Pflege von Alzheimerpatienten | careOfAlzheimer | enum | YES, NOT_APPLICABLE |
Pflege Multiple Sklerose Patienten | careOfMultipleSclerosis | enum | YES, NOT_APPLICABLE |
Küche vorhanden (in Gästeapartments) | kitchenAvailable | enum | YES, NOT_APPLICABLE |
Zimmer | roomType | enum | SINGLE (Einzelzimmer), SHARED (Mehrbettzimmer), SINGLE_AND_SHARED (Einzel- und Mehrbettzimmer) |
Therapieangebot | therapyOfferingsAvailable | enum | YES, NOT_APPLICABLE |
Barrierefrei | barrierFree | enum | YES, NOT_APPLICABLE |
Anzahl betreute Wohnungen | numberOfLookedAfterApartments | int | 0 - 9999 |
Anzahl Pflegeplätze | numberOfNursingPlaces | int | 0 - 9999 |
Wohnfläche von ... | livingSpaceFrom | double | 0 - 99999,9 |
Wohnfläche bis ... | livingSpaceTo | double | 0 - 99999,9 |
Behindertengerecht | handicappedAccessible | enum | YES, NOT_APPLICABLE |
Gästeappartments | guestApartmentsAvailable | enum | YES, NOT_APPLICABLE |
Restaurant | restaurantAvailable | enum | YES, NOT_APPLICABLE |
Eigene Kochmöglichkeit | cookingFacilitiesAvailable | enum | YES, NOT_APPLICABLE |
Mitnahme eigener Möbel möglich | ownFurniturePossible | enum | YES, NOT_APPLICABLE |
Reinigungsservice | cleaningServiceAvailable | enum | YES, NOT_APPLICABLE |
Einkaufsmöglichkeiten | shoppingFacilitiesAvailable | enum | YES, NOT_APPLICABLE |
24 h Sicherheit | security24Hours | enum | YES, NOT_APPLICABLE |
Kulturprogramm | culturalProgramAvailable | enum | YES, NOT_APPLICABLE |
Freizeitaktivitäten | leisureActivitiesAvailable | enum | YES, NOT_APPLICABLE |
Religiöse Angebote | religiousOfferingsAvailable | enum | YES, NOT_APPLICABLE |
Balkon | balconyAvailable | enum | YES, NOT_APPLICABLE |
Multimedia Anhang "video" | - | In the REST API, the multimedia files are detached from the property. The property only contains a reference (ID) to the multimedia attachments. Use the Attachments web service for creating/modifying/calling/deleting images, videos, PDF, URLs. | |
Multimedia Anhang "bild" | - | same as video | |
Objektveröffentlichung StatusVBM | entfällt | In the REST API there is a separate web service for object publication on the channels IS24, homepage, groups/exchanges. | |
Objektveröffentlichung StatusIS24 | own Webservice | ||
Objektveröffentlichung StatusHP | own Webservice |
XML schema:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 |
Wohnen auf Zeit (shortTermAccommodation)
Description | Field Name | Field Type | Allowed Values |
Anbieterobjektnummer | externalId | String | 50 characters. "/" and "\" are allowed |
Exposeüberschrift* | title | String | Max. 100 characters |
Straße* | street | String | Max. 100 characters |
Hausnummer* | houseNumber | String | Max. 10 characters |
PLZ* | postcode | String | Max. 5 characters |
Ort* | city | String | Max. 50 characters |
API-Suche-Felder | searchField1, 2, 3 | String | These fields can be used as search filters in the search REST API. Thus, you can define values yourself that are not available as a field in the object entry. Allowed values: 1-16 characters. Allowed values: [0-9 a-z A-Z]*. |
Objektgruppierung | groupNumber | int | Max. 10 digits, 0 - 2147483647 |
Objektbeschreibung | descriptionNote | String | Max. 3999 bytes |
Ausstattung | furnishingNote | String | Max. 3999 bytes |
Lage | locationNote | String | Max. 3999 bytes |
Sonstige Angaben | otherNote | String | Max. 3999 bytes |
Objektadresse veröffentlichen? * | showAddress | boolean | true,false |
Kontaktperson | contact id | String | Please add a reference to a contact person (contactID). Use the contact endpoint to create, read, update, or delete a contact resource. If this field is left empty, then we will use the default contact address. |
Kaltmiete | baseRent | double | 0 - 9999999999999.99 |
Keller | cellar | enum | YES, NOT_APPLICABLE (keine Angabe) |
Objektzustand | condition | enum | NO_INFORMATION (keine Angabe), FIRST_TIME_USE (Erstbezug), FIRST_TIME_USE_AFTER_REFURBISHMENT (Erstbezug nach Sanierung), MINT_CONDITION (Neuwertig), REFURBISHED (Saniert), MODERNIZED (Modernisiert), FULLY_RENOVATED (VollstaendigReonviert), WELL_KEPT (Gepflegt), NEED_OF_RENOVATION (Renovierungsbedürftig), NEGOTIABLE (NachVereinbarung), RIPE_FOR_DEMOLITION (Abbruchreif) |
Baujahr | constructionYear | int | 0 - 9999 (4 digits) Year of the building construction (year of readiness for occupancy; de: "bezugsfertig"). |
Baujahr unbekannt | constructionYearUnknown | boolean | If a constructionYear is provided, constructionYearUnknown=false will be assumed (regardless of the value given for constructionYearUnknown). |
Kaution | deposit | String | max. 50 characters |
Frei ab* | startRentalDate | date | jjjj-mm-tt |
Frei Bis | endRentalDate | date | jjjj-mm-tt |
Energieausweistyp | BuildingEnergyRatingType | enum | NO_INFORMATION (Keine Angabe), ENERGY_REQUIRED (Endenergiebedarf), ENERGY_CONSUMPTION (Energieverbrauchskennwert). Select the type of certificate for which you want to specify a characteristic value. An energy certificate is divided into final energy demand (demand-oriented certificate) and energy consumption characteristic value (consumption-oriented certificate). The demand-oriented energy certificate is based on the calculated demand of the building. The consumption-oriented certificate is based on the actual consumption of the users. When specifying the energy consumption characteristic value, please note whether the hot water consumption is included. |
Energieverbrauchskennwert | thermalCharacteristic | double | 0 - 9999.99. Please enter the "characteristic value" (numbers) of the property according to the selected "energy certificate type" in kWh/(m²*a). |
Energieverbrauch enthält Warmwasser | energyConsumptionContainsWarmWater | enum | YES, NOT_APPLICABLE. Please set this value only if your specified "characteristic value" is an "energy consumption characteristic value" and this contains the "energy consumption for hot water". |
Befeuerungsarten | firingType | enum | NO_INFORMANTION (keine Angabe), GEOTHERMAL (Erdwärme), SOLAR_HEATING (Solarheizung), PELLET_HEATING (Pelletheizung), GAS, OIL (Öl), DISTRICT_HEATING (Fernwärme), ELECTRICITY (Strom), COAL (Kohle) |
Etage | floor | int | 1 - 999 |
Geschlecht | gender | enum | MALE_OR_FEMALE, MALE, FEMALE |
GästeWC | guestToilet | boolean | true, false |
Barrierefrei | Stufenlose Zugang | boolean | true, false |
Möbiliert | hasFurniture | enum | YES, NO, NOT_APPLICABLE |
Heizungsart | heatingType | enum | NO_INFORMATION (keine Angabe), SELF_CONTAINED_CENTRAL_HEATING (Etagenheizung), STOVE_HEATING (Ofenheizung), CENTRAL_HEATING (Zentralheizung)
For using the new enum fields: |
Aufzug | lift | boolean | true, false |
Maximale Anzahl an Personen | maxNumberOfPersons | int | 0 - 999 |
Maximale Mietdauer | maxRentalTime | double | 0 - 999.99 |
Mindest Mietdauer | minRentalTime | double | 0 - 999.99 |
Anzahl Etagen | numberOfFloors | int | 0 - 999 |
Anzahl Garagen/ Stellplätze | numberOfParkingSpaces | int | 0 - 99999 |
Garage/ Stellplatz-Miete | ParkingSpacePrice | double | 0 - 9999999999999.99 |
Haustiere | petsAllowed | enum | NO_INFORMATION, YES, NO, NEGOTIABLE |
Nebenkosten | serviceCharge | double | 0 - 9999999999999.99 |
Pauschalmiete* | totalRent | double | 0 - 9999999999999.99 |
Wohnfläche | livingSpace | double | 0 - 9999999999999.99 |
Zimmerzahl | numberOfRooms | double | 1 - 999.99 |
Balkon | balcony | boolean | true, false |
Garten | garten | boolean | true, false |
Nicht-Raucher | nonSmoker | boolean | true, false |
Gebäudeart* | shortTermAccomodationType | enum | APARTMENT, ROOM, HOUSE, FLAT |
Provisionspflichtig | hasCourtage | enum | YES,NO,NOT_APPLICABLE |
Provisionsbetrag | courtage | String | max. 100 characters. Only mandatory if hasCourtage=true |
Provisionshinweis | courtageNote | String | max. 500 characters |
Multimedia Anhang "video" | - | In the REST API, the multimedia files are detached from the property. The property only contains a reference (ID) to the multimedia attachments. Use the Attachments web service for creating/modifying/calling/deleting images, videos, PDF, URLs. |
Multimedia Anhang "bild" | - | same as video | |
Objektveröffentlichung StatusVBM | entfällt | In the REST API there is a separate web service for object publication on the channels IS24, homepage, groups/exchanges. | |
Objektveröffentlichung StatusIS24 | own Webservice | ||
Objektveröffentlichung StatusHP | own Webservice | ||
Expose-Erstellungsdatum | creationDate | Datum | jjjj-mm-tt:hh:mm:ss is automatically generated |
Expose-Änderungsdatum | LastModificationDate | Datum | jjjj-mm-tt:hh:mm:ss is automatically generated |
Geokoordinaten (Breitengrad) | latitude | double | min. -90.0, max. 90.0 |
Geokoordinaten (Längengrad) | longitude | double | min. -180.0, max. 180.0 |
Vermarktungsart | MarketingType | enum | RENT |
Zahlungsintervall | priceIntervalType | enum | DAY, WEEK, MONTH |
XML schema:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 |